XL1S discontinued?! Guess why... ;) - Page 23 at DVinfo.net
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Old July 10th, 2004, 11:08 PM   #331
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Re: Get 'Em While You Can

<<<-- Originally posted by Steve McDonald : I'd advise everyone who's determined to spend their money on a Canon XL-series camcorder, to go out and find themselves an XL1s, while there are still some in stock.

Steve McDonald -->>>

lol I am pretty sure he was kidding, that ebay comment is funny though. I betcha you could get one for $1500 off ebay by next month if you wanted. Or 2.. or 3...
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Old July 10th, 2004, 11:20 PM   #332
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"I'd advise everyone who's determined to spend their money on a Canon XL-series camcorder, to go out and find themselves an XL1s, while there are still some in stock."

I assumed Steve's point was that the new camera will not be an XL-series camcorder.

Or maybe I'm just looking too much into this.
Only a few days away and I'm still guessing.


There are still XL1 cameras selling on ebay for over $2500 with some accessories, and that camera is 3 years old now.

I don't know that the XL1s resale value is going to plummet that much right off the bat.
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Old July 10th, 2004, 11:28 PM   #333
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I think they will.. they are expensive right now because that is still the current model (I know its hard to believe)

Mind you, If the XL2 is a superior camera, Im sure a few DVX's will be hitting the EBay shelves as well.
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Old July 11th, 2004, 02:34 PM   #334
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Whose on point here ??

Okay - Tomorrow is Monday and everyone on my crew is in heavy anticipation for some kind of announcement from Canon at the EXPO east. With all the speculation and hype, I truly pray that we'll be pleasantly surprised. Actually, I'm hoping that we'll be completely blown away!! At any rate, it's been fun reading all of your Christmas wish lists and digitally powered debates for the highly anticipated "XL2"!!

Not all of us are fortunate enough to escape to the Expo this year. I couldn't go now even if Scotty could beam me over because I'm locked into production. Some of you, however, will be attending. Who can we count on to be our designated reconnaissance specialist? Step up to the plate! Whom do we look to as or official XL2 - live on the scene - point correspondent for detailed and breaking information?? We will live vicariously through you. Whom shall it be? Who is this chosen one?
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Old July 11th, 2004, 03:30 PM   #335
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Seeing as this is the foremost Canon XL1s site on the net, I assume we will be able to count on Chris to let us know what the official word is as soon as it's announced.

By the way, just my guess, but I wouldn't hold your breath for an announcement tomorrow.

DV Expo East conference begins on Tuesday, and the Expo doesn't begin until Wednesday. I don't remember how Canon normally handles these announcements, but it's possible you won't hear anything until the middle of the week.

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Old July 11th, 2004, 03:37 PM   #336
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Yeah, I would think the announcement would be around Wednesday as well.
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Old July 11th, 2004, 03:55 PM   #337
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I'm going to be fairly well tied up and consumed by the show, so even though I'll have net access from my hotel room, the truth is I won't be in the room that much except to catch a few hours' sleep. So if we have any members here who would like to report from DV Expo about anything they find interesting, DV Info Net would very much appreciate it. Thanks,

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Old July 11th, 2004, 04:03 PM   #338
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Well Chris, seeing as you'll be tied up all week with the show, it would probably just be easier if you told us everything you know right now then, while you still have some free time.

what do you think?

I'm just thinking in the best interest of the DVinfo.net community of course. That way we'll be the best informed site, and a step ahead of the rest....

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Old July 11th, 2004, 06:12 PM   #339
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Chris- if you want to reimburse me expenses (write-off-able ones like airfare, hotel, lunch, dinner) and sport me a ticket I'll gladly make myself available to do give everyone a blow by blow... do a few interviews, scan some materials in and set up a [page for you...

if you're feeling charitable I'll throw some stuff in a bag and high-tail it!
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Old July 11th, 2004, 06:14 PM   #340
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Old July 11th, 2004, 06:46 PM   #341
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Hmmmm, well, I just hope that SOMETHING new comes out by Tuesday, because I'm going to be going to Japan on Wednesday, meaning no internet available until I get back next Thursday. Unless Tokyo has plenty of internet hotspots (as I'm expecting some new laptops for my brother and I tommorow), then I'll be outta luck waiting in anticipation. <=P

Hey, anything I should buy when I'm in Tokyo? I know they have funky products like Sylvester Stallone potato chips and stuff, but anything camera/electronics related to keep an eye out for?
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Old July 11th, 2004, 06:46 PM   #342
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No problem Josh, I'll send the DV Info Net corporate Lear jet straight over to O'Hare and our limo will be outside your front door first thing in the morning!

Jack, do you realize your initial post that started this thread has generated nearly 350 responses and well over 12,000 page views?

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Old July 11th, 2004, 10:16 PM   #343
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Jack... if you can find one of these....


that site has LOTS of cool Japanese tech things.
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Old July 11th, 2004, 10:16 PM   #344
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"No problem Josh, I'll send the DV Info Net corporate Lear jet straight over to O'Hare and our limo will be outside your front door first thing in the morning!"

That may be the funniest thing Chris has ever posted.
You actually had me for a split second...until I got to "lear jet"

"Jack, do you realize your initial post that started this thread has generated nearly 350 responses and well over 12,000 page views?"

You think it's a long thread now? Wait until later this week.

Or should we start a new thread eventually?


as far as updating the site with information. I will do what I can.
I have a friend who will be attending, and calling me from the show floor via cell phone. If I hear anything of interest, I'll make sure to post it here ASAP.

(for what that's worth)
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Old July 12th, 2004, 05:04 AM   #345
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Steve Vuuren,

Well, I'm not trying to bring down your accomplishment on the sold out shows, I'm really not, but there's a huge difference between getting 1 sold out show via beating the streets and getting a distributor to pick something up for theatrical release (I'm talking relatively wide release). The last 2 films I saw that had relatively wide release mini dv was blair witch, then Farrenheit 911 (and I guess Columbine). That's less than 1 a year. At least that's all I remember. My point is, if you're really going to go for it, then GO FOR IT. Not dizzing mini dv look on a creative level. Hey man, if that's your bag, that's great. But how many people would truely chose that over 24p Viper equivilancy if they could get it? That brings true production value to your film that distributors see as viable. Remember, they're not artisists, they're businessmen. That's all I'm saying.
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