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Old December 26th, 2008, 11:04 AM   #1
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There, I've finally broken down and done it -- I've asked one of those questions for which no one has an definitive answer and one that annoys people when it's asked because no one knows for sure. My only defense is I can't help myself any longer. I've patiently been googling FCS3 for months with no recent predictions except a slight stir over Jobs not doing the key note speech next month.

So now as I struggle with FCS1 (having been with FCP since FCP1) and my outdated Mac system (old being top of the line G5 a little over two years ago), I'm looking to grasp at straws for any body's educated opinion on an update timeline. I have a project I'd love to finish out with a new computer and FCS3. In fact I'm planning it with the probable new capabilities in mind.

I don't even care if people lecture me over giving up and buying FCS2 and the current Mac now; just any discussion on FCP3 would be appreciated. I'm normally pretty frugal and practical and don't need the newest, biggest, best. Just this time. I feel a significant change coming and I want it all NOW :-)

A little help here?
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Old December 26th, 2008, 11:16 AM   #2
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Apple has never been a company to reveal its future plans or software road maps. That's sort of a guessing game you buy into when you get Final Cut Studio. That said, the company typically releases updates to FCS around the time of the NAB Show in April Las Vegas. That's generally your best bet for any potential major updates. You can look at the history of the releases here:

Final Cut Pro - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anything more specific than that info would be a violation of iron-clan NDAs that Apple uses and would wind anyone who leaked such info into deeply hot water. So that's generally why 'no one asks'- because no one tells.

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Old December 26th, 2008, 12:57 PM   #3
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My all and only advice is to wait until MacWorld Jan, 19.00 LA time and buy what will be on offer then hardwarewise.

You shouls be able to use your FCS1 with that new hardware.

Upgrade to FCS 3 as soon as it is in the shops.
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Old December 26th, 2008, 04:09 PM   #4
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Apple is phasing itself out of the chaos of announcing products at MacWorlds. Apple has finally discovered that doing this is very disruptive to it's stock price. It sounds like your lusting after a MacPro and FCS3. The current update cycle of MacPros is averages about every 7 or 8 months. Currently the last update was a year ago so new MacPros should not be purchased until an update is announced. In other words save your pennies.

FCP, on the other hand, is updated fairly regularly:

FCP4 introduced 4/2004
FCP5 introduced 5/2005
FCP Studio 3/2006
FCP Studio 2 4/2007

Studio 3 is over due and will probably be released late winter, early spring. I would wait until the release of FCP to consider any hardware updates. Ram will only get cheaper and worldwide economic conditions may force Apple to be more price conscious.
Jeff Donald
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Old December 27th, 2008, 09:48 AM   #5
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Thanks for the responses. I'm in a little more of a patient mood today. What you all suggest has pretty much been my plan -- wait it out and upgrade as I can. With updates and release dates for FCS3 and the high end Macs more or less up in the air right now, I'm just getting antsy. The traditional time tables for release help some. And perhaps the current economy will help drive prices down a bit tho I wouldn't bet on it with Apple. Like others, I just hope they won't forget about us in favor of the ever increasing "i"fill-in-the-blank consumer sales.
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Old December 27th, 2008, 10:57 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Jeff Donald View Post
Studio 3 is over due and will probably be released late winter, early spring. I would wait until the release of FCP to consider any hardware updates. Ram will only get cheaper and worldwide economic conditions may force Apple to be more price conscious.
FCS/FCP is USUALLY closely tied to an OS release as well. Don't expect to see FCS3 until Snow Leopard has been in our hands for a month or more. As well, I'm expecting that the Pro Apps will try to leverage as much performance out of upgrades like the new Processor and Video chipsets we've heard so much speculation about. Again, just my "spidey-sense" but I PERSONALLY don't expect to see FCS3 until May or June.
Shaun C. Roemich Road Dog Media - Vancouver, BC - Videographer - Webcaster
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Old December 27th, 2008, 04:36 PM   #7
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Mac OS X Jaguar 10.2.0 8/2002

Mac OS X Panther 10.3.0 10/2003

FCP4 introduced 4/2004

Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.0 4/2005

FCP5 introduced 5/2005

FCP Studio 3/2006

FCP Studio 2 4/2007

Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.0 10/2007

Mac OS X Snow Leopard??? possibly spring of 2009

Releases of FCP usually coincide with "updates" to OS X and QuickTime. This is to insure compatibility with new software etc.
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Old December 29th, 2008, 10:55 AM   #8
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As many on this forum can attest (myself included), it's never a good idea to make a major change to your OS, apps or anything core in mid-project. I can guarantee that migrating your FCS1 project into the new platform will create a major headache and cause a plethora of issues such as render files not migrating, sequences not displaying properly etc etc. The time wasted in troubleshooting those issues would be better suited completing the project and making a proper archive so that it's "migration ready" when it's done. Finish your current project first, then wait and see what FCS3 brings to the table.

Upgrading to a MacPro will make a night-and-day difference in the efficiency of your work (finish your project before you make a hardware change) but considering Apple's recent disappointments with the lack of software updates, hardware offerings and the roadmap Steve Jobs laid forward for what they *won't* be doing FCS3 might not get the major facelift and updates we've all been hoping for.
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Old December 30th, 2008, 09:33 AM   #9
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I'm in the same boat, waiting FCPS3 but I am a complete newcomer. The Mac platform is very attractive for the stability. However if it is that bad I may have to consider going the way of Adobe. What do you guys think? All I want is more plug in support and a stable OS.
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Old December 30th, 2008, 09:40 AM   #10
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Of all the desktop editors currently available for under $10k FCS2 is the most robust and stable and has the most 3rd-party support across the board. Adobe's offerings is a very close 2nd but so far 90% of the add-ons available for FCP are not yet available for Premiere, that will change in the years to come.
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Old December 30th, 2008, 12:17 PM   #11
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Sean: I think one of the first things you need to do is be honest with yourself.

- How much do I really know about editing/the computer platform?
A LOT of instability errors come from user error in setting stuff up and installing trials and 3rd party plug ins. A lot of issues surrounding reliability and real time playback and/or slow render times are user error driven.

- How am I going to use this computer?
Downloading every game and utility in sight, checking out "questionable" websites and other "high risk" activities are certain to stress out the reliability of your edit computer.

- DO you have adequate IT/edit support if things go bad?
If you and no one around you knows how to use a Mac, it may not be your best edit solution. If you start adding SATA cards and IO cards to your new desktop, you may increase the possibility of instability and you'd better have an expert you trust handy (even if just via e-mail).

I'm a 9.5 year FCP user and love it and have had stable systems for about 8 years now. Your mileage may vary.
Shaun C. Roemich Road Dog Media - Vancouver, BC - Videographer - Webcaster
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Old December 30th, 2008, 05:47 PM   #12
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I have it from a good source that Apple's next update, Snow Leopard, will be attempting to integrate FCP 2.0 much more powerfully with Multicore Macs, allowing for the playback and processing of much larger files.
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Old December 30th, 2008, 07:25 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Robert Lane View Post

As many on this forum can attest (myself included), it's never a good idea to make a major change to your OS, apps or anything core in mid-project.
Hi Robert. Thanks. I should have made myself more clear. I was actually just going to export the clips un-messed with but in order with handles to tape and re upload to the new computer with FCS3. I'll still be getting footage to finish this project for the next few months so at this point I'm just deciding what will be used and writing voiceover that fits.

I can wait 4-6 months. Just hoping it will be upgraded by that time. I also hope we won't be disappointed in the upgrades.
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Old December 31st, 2008, 11:03 AM   #14
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The only thing that can be said for certain, is that the current version gives you three things: Much more advanced options for editing and output, faster rendering (when using a MacPro) than FCS1 and; tech support from Apple. (Apple does not offer direct tech support for non-current versions of their software.)

Will FCS3 be better than the current version? No doubt, but to what extent and exactly what areas will be improved upon is 100% conjecture and guesswork.

Nobody outside Apple's wall of silence can say anything factual about what FCS3 will or won't be nor give the advice your hoping for because it is all speculation, rendering this discussion moot.

My advice: Get up on the current software and hardware and enjoy the added capabilities and speed. When FCS3 is released - like any other major update - it will be full of bugs, strange behavior and people whining things don't work right. I'd wait at least 2-4 months *after* FCS3 is released before jumping on-board. Unless you enjoy troubleshooting new problems.
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Old December 31st, 2008, 11:45 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Robert Lane View Post
When FCS3 is released - like any other major update - it will be full of bugs, strange behavior and people whining things don't work right. I'd wait at least 2-4 months *after* FCS3 is released before jumping on-board. Unless you enjoy troubleshooting new problems.
Which is interesting. When I picked up FCS2, I was instantly "treated" to differences in workflow such as single clicks now sort of act like double clicks, copy and paste doesn't work the way it used to and FCP sometimes brings render files forward for non-existent transitions that require arduous workarounds, and audio files that are linked to video files now AUTOMATICALLY get a cross fade on them if I add a video cross dissolve. What a pain in the arse!

I think I'll be trying out FCS3 before buying to see if Apple has "improved" anything else that will cost me additional time in edit.
Shaun C. Roemich Road Dog Media - Vancouver, BC - Videographer - Webcaster
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