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Old June 20th, 2008, 10:10 AM   #946
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Yes, but anyway I can't understand why nobody shares the idea of a GigE interface.
That way we can easily connect a Mini-itx or whatever, and let developers work their way out.I feel that is a much more "open" solution than relying on the internal hardware limitations.

I've been quite frustrated about the limitations I have with the actual setup.
And I reaaly want to use the 353.No industrial camera Ive seen, despite having the needed interfaces, gives me "actual" control of the hardware without leting me stucked with their "crappy" "propietary" really more of the same software solutions.

Like Sumix fiddling with their encumbered "only Windows" "drivers".

All that doesn't make much sense to me, because if you are manufacturing cameras, your bussiness is that, making good cameras, not ruining your product under apile of bad/limited software.

Can anyone here make any sense out of those crazy marketing policies?

It seems to be the standard.
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Old June 23rd, 2008, 08:20 AM   #947
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Hey guys. My first post in this thread. It took me some time to read the previous 64 pages :)

I am both a professional filmmaker (mainly postproduction) and software developer. So the elphel is a terribly interesting project for me.

I think the project is well on track and the HDD or CF slot is definitely the way to go.

As far as I have read one big thing is still a pretty unexplored territory: The "On Camera" Interface, meaning all the buttons, knobs, dials, etc that you normally have on a video camera. Also the Elphel is still in a pretty small security camera case. Not the optimal solution for filmmakers.

Here are some thought about how to deal with this:
*) We need a bigger camera case designed specifically for filmmakers, maybe with a different (PL?) or even exchangeable lens mount part.

*) The Interface for the buttons and dials could work this way: The Axis EXTRAX should have a serial interface which we can use to connect an Arduino microcontroller board (costs around 30€) -> arduino.cc
This should give us up to 6 analog 10bit inputs for potentiometers (for knobs like exposure time or frame rate) and 14 digital inputs for on/off buttons (like record start/stop)
The buttons and potentiometers should only cost a few cents.

If we now also get some kind of display we finally freed ourselfs from the laptop.

Oscar please check your inbox, I sent you a PM some time ago.
Sebastian Pichelhofer is offline  
Old June 23rd, 2008, 09:13 AM   #948
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hi ....some ago I've looked at arduino microcontroller too
but I've no skills about programming so :-(

But I've seen that now arduino have usb over serial port
and elphel have usb 1.0 that can be used for that goal
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Old June 23rd, 2008, 09:23 AM   #949
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You are right!
That would also cover the power supply for the Arduino then.
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Old June 23rd, 2008, 02:39 PM   #950
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..sorry to rain on the parade...

I've been programming the arduino for quite some time and its a really cool piece of hardware/software.

..that said - it doese'nt make sense using the arduino for this...as using the arduino means we have no or little camera feedback display possibilities. (build your own customized hardware displays anyone??) Add to this all the rapid changes happening with the elphel. It would take a lot of work to keep up, making a hardware interface and not a software one.

The elphel needs wifi - then we can control it using a browser on a smartphone/iphone.

That way the user interface can be re-designed to accomodate changes in just a few mins...as opposed to days using hardware. A software solution also that means people who do not program / design hardware can easily upgrade the user interface.

Just my 5 cents ;)
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Old June 24th, 2008, 07:27 PM   #951
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Originally Posted by Sebastian Pichelhofer View Post
Oscar please check your inbox, I sent you a PM some time ago.
Sebastian , somehow PM is disabled on my account. Can you sent an email? (lijsten@degalerie.nl) Thanks.

Originally Posted by Sebastian Pichelhofer View Post

If we now also get some kind of display we finally freed ourselfs from the laptop.
I started another thread about that, because it could also apply to other DIY camera projects.

Thanks for your input. Interesting ideas!
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Old July 1st, 2008, 05:53 AM   #952
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Some Elphel Hardware News:

Andrey silently added a bunch of new pages in the official elphel wiki:


There is a new interface board: the 10369 - interface board with SATA port, 2 CF card slots, USB (4 ports), RS-232, 2 channels of optoisolated I/Os for synchronization, clock/calendar with super-capacitor backup power.

No official news are announced or if the board is available or what can really be done with it.
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Old July 1st, 2008, 01:18 PM   #953
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Yes, we've got these boards built at the factory as well as the camera enclosure parts as shown here - http://wiki.elphel.com/index.php?tit...3L_with_10369A and now testing everything (so far so good) so the factory can make complete assembly of the cameras.

We do not yet have 12V version -- there is a known issue (discovered by the guys from http://www.hackerbotlabs.com/) - these DC-DC converters do not seem to have undervoltage/overcurrent protection. It is not an issue in the standard PoE camera - PoE chip takes care of the protection itself, but this chip is bypassed in 12V or 24V non-IEEE802.3af compliant versions, so the 12V camera virtually went out in flames - dying 12V battery caused DC-DC to increase current (to maintain output power), got overheated, failed and had the input diode bridge burnt. We plan to use different model of the DC-DC converters that are supposed to have such protection, but not finished the testing yet.
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Old July 3rd, 2008, 03:31 PM   #954
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LinuxDevices article

It has more details on the 10369 - http://linuxdevices.com/articles/AT5102023409.html

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Old July 7th, 2008, 02:05 PM   #955
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Does anybody still have the BloodSimple(TM) codec source Zsolt Hegyi posted here about a year ago?

I am afraid he edited out the links in his original post.
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Old July 11th, 2008, 02:26 PM   #956
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Andrey, which Micron (Aptina) sensor ( 5MP 1/2,5" MT9P401 or 1,6MP 1/4,5" MT9M002) is better for shooting video (sport) 720p60 ?
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Old July 11th, 2008, 03:30 PM   #957
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Micron/Aptina sensors

I can not really help you - it is very difficult to get any information from the manufacturer, we only use now MT9T001 and MT9P001/MT9P031 (seem to be the same chip, just different marketing name). We will have MT9P001 with BAR coating - among others that will improve performance when you have sun in the view (standard sensors have plain glass)
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Old July 15th, 2008, 10:00 AM   #958
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Originally Posted by Andrey Filippov View Post
It has more details on the 10369 - http://linuxdevices.com/articles/AT5102023409.html
Here are two links to that article:
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Old July 25th, 2008, 07:52 AM   #959
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The new elphel 353 cameras can now write full HD 1920x1080p quicktime *.movs @ 25fps to internal HDD or cf card.

I updated the HD cinema camera Development elphel wiki page: http://wiki.elphel.com/index.php?tit...evelopment_FAQ
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Old July 29th, 2008, 04:29 PM   #960
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Can we see a sample clip Sebastian? If compression is low or at least not too visible, that could mean a huge step forward.
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