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Old January 3rd, 2008, 01:57 PM   #841
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hi to all and happy new year!
Oscar: cool project but I think that is very difficult to operate this way, too small tolerance and too small part for a diy project
take a look at what I'm planning to do ....with an adapter but a medium format one( the ground glass is big and can be used to preview the scene also)
Andrey:nice to see you back to the thread one question... is it possible with the new 5mp sensor binning 2x and have a true full size 1/2.5" 720p 60fps camera with the software we have?(I've tried the binning option with a link on the wiki maybe from polto or spectr the 353 and , like the camera link you have provided some ago "matteo.elphel.com" nothing happen)
many thanks
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High Definition with Elphel model 333 camera-cinema-camera-prototype.jpg  

Last edited by Matteo Pozzi; January 3rd, 2008 at 02:50 PM. Reason: added text
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Old January 3rd, 2008, 02:56 PM   #842
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While on the topic of viewfinders, here is a simple solution for a digital viewfinder for I think any camera really.


Tear it apart and remove the 2.5" LCD. Hopefully the LCD controller is not much bigger. Looks like it has an AV connection, and only $18.00.

I doubt this thing would be any good for anything other than framing and going through menu options but hell its cheap.

I would personally rather have an optical viewfinder, but this is just another option.
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Old January 3rd, 2008, 03:19 PM   #843
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yes is cheap and with a small cheap spy camera that record ground glass picture can be useful for real time digital viewfinder
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Old January 3rd, 2008, 03:51 PM   #844
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You could also just display the RTSP stream real time. This way you see exactly how the camera sees so its possible to see the exposure, white balance, and other data such as audio and histogram.

I used a 7" touch screen with the 333 before with an interface I wrote but I found it to be clumsy. Also, when working outside it helps to shield it from sunlight. But to use the touchscreen its necessary to remove the visor and the glare is back. IMHO there is no replacement for buttons and dials.

On the other hand, here is a picture of the viewfinder from I think SI-2K?

Once im done with the 353 front end, I will try implementing a touch screen interface again.
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Old January 3rd, 2008, 04:17 PM   #845
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Daniel I also think of using the touchscreen to control the camera
some ago I have made this gui ...have you seen it? http://www.webalice.it/teo.poz/elphel_GUI2/
I've asked andrey the permission of use an elphel 333 from remote ftp to try to write an html page but it was harder than I though (I'm a civil engineer and I do not know software programming so much) maybe now that andrey is changing the elphel control to php is simple
I've seen that you have the skill to program software so if I can help you (on the graphic side) or with some idea... ask me :-)
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Old January 3rd, 2008, 05:01 PM   #846
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Matteo, I'm not sure how you want to have the mirror reflect the image from that angle without a perspective distortion, or am I missing something.
I have all the parts ready, and I'm about to drill a hole in the side of the Elphel. It'll be pretty hard to get everything inside a tube and focussed right, but I think it's doable.

Daniel, a touch screen would be nice, but have you considered an usb numeric pad with assigned buttons?
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Old January 3rd, 2008, 05:35 PM   #847
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Mateo, we have two civil engineers in our camera team:) The problem in user interface design is not coding, it's design. Usability and best use of the limited screen space.
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Old January 3rd, 2008, 06:15 PM   #848
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Originally Posted by Oscar Spier View Post
Daniel, a touch screen would be nice, but have you considered an usb numeric pad with assigned buttons?
Yes, in fact this was my temporary interface: http://www.applelinks.com/reviews/gifs/n50a.jpg

It worked great as a way to interact with the prototype, however it has its limitations. For example it is designed for use with the left hand.

For a while I worked on a simple input device using an AVR atmega128. It interfaces with the pc by a serial cable. It allowed me to add buttons and rotary encoders to control exposure, gamma, and some other settings. I was planning to use a small graphic lcd screen to output status and other data.

It may be even possible to plug such a device directly into the usb ports avaliable on the 353.

But I do not have the time or resources to continue that project.
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Old January 3rd, 2008, 07:28 PM   #849
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Originally Posted by Matteo Pozzi View Post
Daniel I also think of using the touchscreen to control the camera
some ago I have made this gui ...have you seen it? http://www.webalice.it/teo.poz/elphel_GUI2/
I've asked andrey the permission of use an elphel 333 from remote ftp to try to write an html page but it was harder than I though (I'm a civil engineer and I do not know software programming so much) maybe now that andrey is changing the elphel control to php is simple
I've seen that you have the skill to program software so if I can help you (on the graphic side) or with some idea... ask me :-)
I appreciate the offer.

I do remember seeing that picture before, at first glance I don't think it would be very difficult to do. If you would like to try again, you can use the example application I posted a while back. Its crude, but should get you going in the right direction.

The front end I am working on right now is pretty general, and not optimized for our needs. It wont be long before its complete and I will start on the filmmaking version.
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Old January 4th, 2008, 02:20 AM   #850
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Daniel: what did you mean with front end? maybe I have not understand it
for my interface have you tried to press the buttons!? I have developed it with the silicon imaging one in mind and starting with the idea of using a 2 frame html
the upper filled with the elphel camera main interface (so that you have all the control if you want) and the bottom with a flash type vector interface like I've done (with the cinema camera most used controls)...yes it have to be checked(in particular the gain and white balance and black setting) but I think it is useful the idea of choosing a parameter to change and the big single slide that appear :-)

Oscar: I think that the mirror is ok maybe it have to be checked the right angle ...try to put a picture 90° on your bathroom mirror and you'll see what I mean :-)

John: nice to hear that, 2civil engineer in a project like your! cool

Last edited by Matteo Pozzi; January 4th, 2008 at 04:25 AM.
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Old January 4th, 2008, 10:12 AM   #851
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Sorry, I have noticed that I use the words interface, front end, and application interchangeably. Really they all mean the same thing. A front end is the client side of an application. Its what a user will see and interact with. Generally the term front end is associated with a website.

I just tried the buttons, did not realize it was flash. Thats pretty neat, looks like you through it through. You could easily interface this with the 353 by making calls to PHP files.

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Old January 4th, 2008, 10:26 AM   #852
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I know that I can interact with php with flash :-) but not already how so thanks for the links
I think I have also to understand how php really works before :-)
also I want to leave the flash web interface and make a simple html one so that it would be faster and "really open source"
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Old January 4th, 2008, 11:19 AM   #853
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I've made some progress with the viewfinder. Making everything adjustable so I can focus everything right will be difficult, but you can see it should work out.

It seems that I have to cut a little bit from the side of the body too.
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High Definition with Elphel model 333 camera-elphel04a.jpg   High Definition with Elphel model 333 camera-elphel04.jpg  

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Old January 5th, 2008, 09:28 AM   #854
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Originally Posted by Daniel Lipats View Post
For a while I worked on a simple input device using an AVR atmega128...
It may be even possible to plug such a device directly into the usb ports avaliable on the 353.
Hi Daniel,

I've been thinking about that as well - and using this:

I bought the USB version and its very easy to program.
You download/install the compiler, write a few lines of code, hook up the USB connector and just click the flash button...and a few secs later your code is running on the ATmega board. I made a time lapse controller for my 20D in about an hour. :) - In the end though I decided it would be too much work and I think I'll be controlling my Elphel with a touch screen mobile phone running a web page from the Elphel via wifi from a USB dongle in the Elphel. That means no building stuff...keeping it a software solution. That in turn means whatever I end up doing is so much easier to share with others...and that makes it a lot more fun. //O.

Last edited by Odd Nydren; January 5th, 2008 at 06:28 PM.
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Old January 5th, 2008, 09:41 AM   #855
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Originally Posted by Andrey Filippov View Post
Yes, we do.
Many thanks for your quick reply Andrey! I have a few more questions regarding the purchase but I'll put that in an email to you instead. Thanks!! //O.
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