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Old June 21st, 2006, 03:04 PM   #166
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Originally Posted by Jung Kyu
i don't understand..why tacx-video color looks so good.. are they using diffrent CMOS model?
I jazz up the colour in post a bit (lot :-) but you can now get the colour perfect for your own taste with the live-CD camera control/recording software. Here are some images from last weekends filming trip in Italy with the 333. http://www.tacx-video.com/images/HD2...ly/Gavia-Small
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Old June 21st, 2006, 03:48 PM   #167
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Hey Phil! Nice to see you on the board. Thanks again for all your info you gave me (some quoted on this forum) before I bought the Elphel camera.
Those are really beautiful images.
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Old June 22nd, 2006, 10:23 AM   #168
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Phil, nice looking pictures. They certainly look a lot sharper and colorful than Oscar or Forrest's pictures, but can you tell us a little about them? Were they shot at SD res (binned?)? or were they shot at high res and resized in post? Also, they look like some kind of median filter has been used on them, did you do that or is that from the camera's built in processing? Did boosting the color make the images noisy which required a median de-noising filter? Thanks. And thanks for posting the pics
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Old June 22nd, 2006, 02:57 PM   #169
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Dumb question, but can this be used with a mac? Or is it for PC's only.
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Old June 22nd, 2006, 05:20 PM   #170
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I guess my 16mm lens is pretty sharp too... look at this frame grab with some more (bit too much) unsharp-mask and color balance in post.

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Old June 22nd, 2006, 07:22 PM   #171
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HDR-hc1 also use 3mega cmos. it dose pretty amazing job with right codec in post.

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Old June 22nd, 2006, 10:41 PM   #172
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Hi everyone, sorry for not posting in a while. ive been watching everything going on. ive been doing different tests. and have come up with some various results.

Oscar great work, your images look great. they inspired me to take some stills at 1600 x 896 also and see what i could do. here are my results:


I did focus my adapter onto a spinning gg with a 35mm lens attached and the results were good depth of feild but a major lack in sharpness as opposed to the c-mount lens only. Also, another major issue would be the light loss throughout the adapter. to get proper diffusion on the screen, you suffer light loss.

I did a video with a very close shot to show how sharp the camera can be. it looks nice and i will make stills out of it. (the video was shot at 7 fps).

As for the project in whole, i found a weird thing to be happening when i record footage in medium light. its sorta like compression noise, but much more noticeable and its over the entire image. i dont think its been doing this all along, it seems it started happening about 2 months ago. Im not sure, but it makes shots like those unusable. Its not a color issue, is more like a blurry/tv noise type pattern. kinda like when your vcr cables arent hooked up fully. not that horrible though.

anyways, the only other thing would be the rolling shutter. thats something you must work around. and perhaps the portablity of it all. A laptop would make that very simple though. but as for live preview, i am still searching for a good solution.
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Old June 24th, 2006, 05:40 AM   #173
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Phil..can you post hig-res 720p or 1080p footage.. when u have spare time.
i have seen it dozen times and still impressed.
i would compare your clip to SI-1920HDVR. this camera also use cmos but 2mega pix. color dosen't look good as yours ^^;

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Old June 24th, 2006, 08:43 AM   #174
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Originally Posted by Jung Kyu
Phil..can you post hig-res 720p or 1080p footage.. when u have spare time.
i have seen it dozen times and still impressed.
i would compare your clip to SI-1920HDVR. this camera also use cmos but 2mega pix. color dosen't look good as yours ^^;

The true colour information is there with all these cameras I think, its obviously not mostly removed like with HDTV or DV tape. My original 1024p footage (I film 4:3 for our software based DVDs) has colour thats just the same as the others on here that have posted clips from the elphel or micron sensor. You just happen to like my wizard of oz like vibrant colour correction ;-). I think real movie film often has a lot of saturation removed, slight tints added to add warmth or feeling of cold. Sometimes even black & white to add that bit extra to the story line. Andrey has given enough control via the linux based software to get that look you want before you even start to fill up your hard drive.

Last edited by Phil Stone; June 25th, 2006 at 01:52 AM.
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Old June 24th, 2006, 11:26 PM   #175
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Look at Panavision footage, it has a similar colour boosted look.

"A Man's Gotta Do" 2003 by Chris Kennedy, with John Howard (the actor) www.hopscotchfilms.com.au distributed by Roadshow entrainment (Warner Bros maybe in the states)

Is a good example, and a funny movie. They have a "making of" video that gives a good scene contrast to the Pana look.
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Old June 29th, 2006, 01:33 PM   #176
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I am a new member in the forum!
The last weeks i read the most articles about Elphel333 and cams with
MT9T001 resp. IBIS5A Sensor.
Because I look for a small camera for sports with wideangle lens, this should be one with global-shutter.
A big advance of the 333 is the MJPG comression, to save PC performance.
Now the question: functions the camera also with IBIS5A (found a PCB layout on the Elphel-developer page)

If not, then it has surely a reason, i think the IBIS5A fits only on 313 model.
With the quality of sensor I would be content, because i had a PixeLink A742 one week for testing. The global-shutter works very good.
About FPS: the higer the better.
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Old June 29th, 2006, 01:55 PM   #177
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Originally Posted by Noah Yuan-Vogel
Phil, nice looking pictures. They certainly look a lot sharper and colorful than Oscar or Forrest's pictures, but can you tell us a little about them? Were they shot at SD res (binned?)? or were they shot at high res and resized in post? Also, they look like some kind of median filter has been used on them, did you do that or is that from the camera's built in processing? Did boosting the color make the images noisy which required a median de-noising filter? Thanks. And thanks for posting the pics
They were shot at 1280x1024 & resized. I use a few filters on the footage in post. This is what the finished video looks like, it then plays inside our PC based software thats linked to a Tacx home trainer. The film needs to be as small as possible (low cpu load) & still look good at full screen.
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Old June 29th, 2006, 04:49 PM   #178
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sensors for 333

Originally Posted by Robert Schiebel
I am a new member in the forum!
The last weeks i read the most articles about Elphel333 and cams with
MT9T001 resp. IBIS5A Sensor.
If not, then it has surely a reason, i think the IBIS5A fits only on 313 model.
With the quality of sensor I would be content, because i had a PixeLink A742 one week for testing.
There is no difference for support of IBIS5 in 313/333 cameras - code is the same. The problem I've got with this sensor is that originally datasheet described 3 interfaces for the sensor control - serial I2C (2-wire), serial 3wire and parallel. Camera uses I2C - all the other sensors I've seen also use it, but it turned out that IBIS had a bug in the implementation, so they later removed it from the docs (not fixed the bug as I hoped :-( ). The IBIS5-1300 did not have a real snapshot shutter (seems like 5A has) and the image quality was not as good as with MT9M001 (they say I need an off-chip ADC, but I think CMOS sensor should have nice one inside) , price being 5x of that. So this is why I never came to modify the board for the 3-wire serial sensor control.

BTW - today I've got first images from the Micron MT9P001 with the model 333 camera) - 5MPix, 12 bit sensor
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Old June 30th, 2006, 01:33 AM   #179
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wow if you can ...post a link
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Old June 30th, 2006, 02:11 AM   #180
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Originally Posted by Matteo Pozzi
wow if you can ...post a link
Driver is not ready, sensor - dirty, lens - not fixed, back light through the open camera body (goes through the PCB and sensors plastic package) - so don't blame me for poor quality - http://webcams.elphel.com/5mpfp.jpeg
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