High Definition with Elphel model 333 camera - Page 11 at DVinfo.net
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Old June 14th, 2006, 08:38 PM   #151
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Originally Posted by Wayne Morellini
it is 353
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Old June 15th, 2006, 04:19 AM   #152
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Hi Andrey
congratulation for your work is awesome
are you planning to use micron cmos
on the 353
or some other brand?
why not the altasens ProCamHD 2462 1280x720 1/3" 60p
or the ProCamHD 356X

I'm planning to build a diy hd camera and I think that your technology
is what I need
did the camera work only under linux or also is recognised by the win xp?
many thanks and best reguards
Matteo Pozzi
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Old June 15th, 2006, 06:11 PM   #153
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Originally Posted by Matteo Pozzi
Hi Andrey
congratulation for your work is awesome
are you planning to use micron cmos
on the 353
or some other brand?
It will be rather universal, as all the previous 303-313-333 boards and preserve compatibility with the current sensor boards. And yes, we plan to use Micron sensors first - but the design is open, anybody is free to add support to other sensors not waiting until we do it.

Originally Posted by Matteo Pozzi
did the camera work only under linux or also is recognised by the win xp?
We use RTP streaming and provide support for it for Linux (prebuilt software is included on the Live CD/DVD). But it is possible to use cameras with MS operating systems, we just don't provide full support on our own.
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Old June 18th, 2006, 07:57 AM   #154
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I finally got some time to rebuild my wax adapter to fit in front of the Elphel camera.
I'm doing some test shots to see if I'm not loosing too much resolution and light in this setup (home made macro lens etc.)
I'm pretty happy with these last tests, although I need to find out what's causing the blurry left side. Probably the diaphragm I just put in there with tape.

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Old June 18th, 2006, 04:19 PM   #155
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can we get a recap on all the progress on this project. the things we know and want to accomplish
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Old June 19th, 2006, 01:48 AM   #156
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many thanks andrey and
hi oscar
very interesting pics
are color corrected?
or are raw file from camera?
are from a 24p footage?
some more questions:
I don't use linux but now I'm thinking to jump in ...
the problem is that I use sony vegas 6 to edit
how can I load footage in it ...can you send us a theora file
from the elphel camera with 35 mm adapter in raw?
I'm planning to built a hd camera
what are the minimum pc spec to achieve 24p 1280x720 videos
I have an old p3 450 I have to garbage it or it is usefull
what do you think?
what kind of c-mount lens did you attached in front of the camera?
than macro or achromat?
....your result is amazing
by now many thanks
Matteo Pozzi
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Old June 19th, 2006, 01:45 PM   #157
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they are color corrected a bit. And I applied a little bit of an unsharp-mask because I have to use a small box-blur to get rid of a fine grid all over the image.

I don't know if the p3 450 will do.. but I guess not. I use an Intel Celeron 15 GHZ laptop with 1 gig RAM. It's about the minimum I think.
The fact that it's a laptop makes it so much more suitable for this purpose.
The Linux comes on a liveCD that functions as the hard drive with OS so you can load it on almost any computer.
It's not perfect because it works slow and I didn't got a chance to find out if you can save the settings of both Linux and camera (like frame size and shutter and such)
I use an old 16mm camera c-mount lens on normal shooting. For the 35mm adapter macro lens I build my own from 8mm camera parts.

Here is a new frame grab to show a good example of the 35mm DOF: http://bosshogg.logjam.com/oscar/Elp...oof5_00003.jpg

EDIT: You can use Video Cleaner Pro to convert the OGG files to any other format like quicktime or avi. Even to image sequences.
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Old June 20th, 2006, 11:07 AM   #158
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here's a clip of HIGH RES

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Old June 21st, 2006, 01:13 AM   #159
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if it's not so much trouble can you post a full SIZE resz of 24p
without using the 35mm lens.
35mm lens maybe good for DOF but it really decrease the quality of original picture.
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Old June 21st, 2006, 02:04 AM   #160
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I know that the final result will be better without 35mm adapter
but with it,for me,is visually better more cinelike and that is what i'm looking for

For Jung: is the mountain street video made ith the elphel?
is very crisp!
For Oscar: thanks for the pics and about the 16mm camera lens can you tell me
if the result is very crisp and clear?
and about the size of the chip: is smaller than that of a 16mm film camera or is equal?

Many thanks
Matteo Pozzi
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Old June 21st, 2006, 06:13 AM   #161
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Jung, I've already posted full size (1600 x 900 or 1600 x 1024 ) images without the 35mm adapter.
I'll make some more, but the weather is bad today and I'd like to shoot outside. I have the Elphel powered by a 12v battery from a hand drill now, so I can shoot wireless. I have to make some sort of stand for the laptop on two of the tripod legs.

Of course the 35mm adapter eats some resolution, but it's not the right to compare the two when I'm just at the first stage of developing this. The images on the TACX website are sharpened I guess. But don't forget that a normal video camcorder has an enormous amount of sharpening build in.
A well balanced sharpening on the Elphel footage in post works very well IMO.
I'll post new results when I have some more time.

Matteo, the chip much smaller than 16mm, so I need another lens to get a wider angle.
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Old June 21st, 2006, 07:58 AM   #162
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here's another sample clip

i don't understand..why tacx-video color looks so good.. are they using diffrent CMOS model?

most of all the elphel 333 sample clip looks greenish.. expect tacx-video.
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Old June 21st, 2006, 09:13 AM   #163
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many thanks Jung
and for Andrey:
when did the 353 will be available?
can it record 1080p 24p format?
and about implementing sound in the theora files, did you have some more info?
and last I want to innstall linux on my pc
what distribution did you recommend me
or ...what distro did you support?
many thanks
Matteo Pozzi
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Old June 21st, 2006, 01:42 PM   #164
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Originally Posted by Jung Kyu
here's another sample clip

i don't understand..why tacx-video color looks so good.. are they using diffrent CMOS model?

most of all the elphel 333 sample clip looks greenish.. expect tacx-video.
Several things. The samples at our site were made with older sensor and all the code was focused on compressor - no precise color balancing. To say nothing about me being not so good at colors :-)
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Old June 21st, 2006, 01:56 PM   #165
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Originally Posted by Matteo Pozzi
many thanks Jung
when did the 353 will be available?
can it record 1080p 24p format?
It is difficult fro me to answer these questions right now - I'm working on the camera design and not everything is settled up yet. But I'll try my best to make it happen sooner rather than later. Meanwhile it is not yet too late to add some wish list on our wiki.elphel.com

Originally Posted by Matteo Pozzi
many thanks Jung
and last I want to innstall linux on my pc
what distribution did you recommend me
or ...what distro did you support?
I'm not a Linux guru myself and we do not recommend any particular distribution. We are working with MPlayer team to add all necessary patches to the main MPlayer distribution so it will work with the camera stream natively.

Personally I use SuSE and like it, but I do not insist it is the best.

And we provide Live DVD with the cameras that includes all the software to run cameras on most computers. It includes modified version of MPlayer and scriptable MPlayer plugin for Mozilla Firefox browser.
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