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Old March 17th, 2007, 04:52 PM   #1
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new 35mm adaptor

Philip Bloom
Cinematographer, Director, Filmmaker
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Old March 17th, 2007, 04:59 PM   #2
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Hey Phil, I just sent you mail via DVinfo. Still in Australia but will be back soon as mentioned in email.

First pic of adapter looks like a car part, second one looks like a sniper rifle, LOL. Seems to be loads of grain in images.


Tony Relph
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Old March 17th, 2007, 06:06 PM   #3
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Yeah, and not very sharp either. The bokeh is gross. I guess you get what you pay for; it appears to be around $300 US. And I guess I was wrong about HDV vs. DV as the deciding factor requiring a vibrating ground glass; according to this site, it's 3 CCD vs. 1 CCD ?
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Old March 17th, 2007, 08:33 PM   #4
Inner Circle
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Did you receive the email reply re: Perth?

The body of the device looks like it may be a pressure PVC or ABS plastic pipe union or patterned after one, a valid method as the centres should be fairly right and the plastic should be stable enough to maintain focal planes and centres.

Use of a tube extention for supporting the front lens mount is valid and would provide for stable backfocus adjustment during build which should endure for life of the appliance unless dropped or abused.

I suggest this with a caveat. If the tube extention is retained by a setscrew on front, similar issues as presented by the Letus35 reversable mount might be repeated, depending on how much shoulder there is inside the case.

I would need a closer look to pass judgement on this.

The knob in the pics looks like it may be a rotary speed controller switch or pot.

Going by the fisheye frame grab, the centering appears to be okay. If the backfocus is off this lens should show it.

On first look, I thought a night-vision monocular body had been used because these incorporate switching and 2xAAcell battery enclosures in an extrusion with endcaps to mount in and out optics.

I'm not so keen on the mount for knob on front.

It looks like strapiron retained by just two screws screaming to work loose in normal use and a sharp corner to snag the first shirtfront or curtain which brushes past.

Retaining the run switch and power pack with hotglue or silicon I am not too impressed with either.

It looks a bit rough but I would not be inclined to dismiss it too soon as a goer. Most of the frame grabs are honest normal to wide-angle so there seems to be no cheating or hiding of possible backfocus issue by posting tele lens grabs only.

As for groundglass artifacts, none of the posted grabs give too much away. The indoors grabs may be less revealing this this respect as they are in high contrast controlled light or low light stuations which do not reveal groundglass artifacts as readily.

The outdoors architecture grabs appear to have been shot through a polariser filter as window reflections are absent. I have not tried one on my Agus35. I shall now do so as it might aggravate or cure some groundglass artifacts.

I have not seen the motion images so these may tell a different story. Look for fixed pattern freckle or patch artifacts on pans and bright patches moving through a high contrast image then truths will be told.

The grain as such is consistent with my own results with a PD150. Some of it will be video noise under those lighting and exposure conditions.

I would like to see frame grab of a resolution chart.

If I was going down this route as a R&D exercise, I would seriously consider going along to the nearest shipwright or yacht fitter and look at aluminium mainsail boom extrusions, spar extrusions and end caps.

Last edited by Bob Hart; March 17th, 2007 at 09:51 PM. Reason: spell error and added text
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Old March 18th, 2007, 12:57 AM   #5
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It looks very grainy even with such small videos.This is from Brazil (my home land) and the price is in Brazilian's around 270US$ and around 205€. This is the least expensive adapter to date.
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Old March 18th, 2007, 08:16 AM   #6
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Hi Bob,

Got your email thanks, I did reply, did you not get it? Will send again.

Got some wicked shots of the Grand Prix and the cars. Managed to get in the paddock as the company we are doing work for had some corporate event with on of the smaller teams.

Speak to you all soon.

Tony Relph.
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Old March 18th, 2007, 09:28 PM   #7
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I did not receive the email. Something funny must be going on at

Try also sending a dvinfo mail to Rob Castaglione. He is a Freo res and likely more plugged in to what is for offer in that area.

The S.T.S Leeuwin II operates out of Fremantle on daysails but may be doing a south-coast run at this time of the year. Leeuwin II is a compact tall ship. They have a website. I think it is

Freo also has a maritime museum, architecturally similar to the Sydney Operahouse which is worth a look and a decommissioned Oberon Class submarine alongside.

If you go there, take a walk along the top deck on the southern walkway towards the big sea windows from the whaling exhibit.

Whether it is serendipitous or a deliberate architectural device, as you walk towards the windows and look at the sea horizon, you get an illusion of walking a large ship deck towards the bow and the floor rising under your feet on a slight swell.

In Perth near-city there used to be places which were sort of apartments where the squatters from up north used to stay on business, when visiting Perth with their families, or visiting their kids in boarding school or hospital. Some may have slipped to backpacker status by now.

My last contacts with these places were in the early seventies.
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Old March 20th, 2007, 07:14 PM   #8
New Boot
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I came across this adapter on ebay the other day. It does look intriguing.

You can view mpeg footage via the adapter here:

I'm thinking of *maybe* throwing down the cash for one, but if someone happens to before me, please post some clips!!!
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Old March 21st, 2007, 02:29 AM   #9
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I came across this adapter on ebay the other day. It does look intriguing.

You can view mpeg footage via the adapter here:

I'm thinking of *maybe* throwing down the cash for one, but if someone happens to before me, please post some clips!!!
?????....... Isn't the address posted on top?
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Old March 21st, 2007, 02:12 PM   #10
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hey! just seen a new 35mm adaptor mentioned at the top of this thread at

shall i get one?
Philip Bloom
Cinematographer, Director, Filmmaker
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Old March 21st, 2007, 04:08 PM   #11
Inner Circle
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Deleted - got doubled.

Last edited by Bob Hart; March 22nd, 2007 at 05:16 AM. Reason: poor sperller
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Old March 21st, 2007, 04:25 PM   #12
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In ?? years time, your grandkids will be rummaging through boxes of dusty stuff in your back shed or attic and come across a strange looking thing.

"Oh wow lookit this."

"Gizzit 'ere."

"Poppa's got some cool stuff".

"What is it??"


"I know. It's one of them old fashioned movie cameras. See there's the picture right there upside down in the back."

"Crummy ennit"


"No sound too".


A Cinealta camera tumbles down from higher on the disturbed pile. The kid drops the gadget and reaches for the new offering. The camera is worn and polished down on all the corners, chips and gouges here and there, bits of gaffer hanging off, polished lens controls and grimy red run button. - evidence of past grand adventures.

He stands and hefts it to his shoulder with huge effort, then with a final twitch of the neck, sockets the eyepiece, then with an instinctual smooth movement, pans the camera to follow an imaginary subject and grows a jealous grin.

"Yeah. When poppa gets old and dies, this is gonna be mine."


As for the gadget. Somebody might have poured his heart and soul into making this thing, but I don't think I want to give it a home.

Last edited by Chris Hurd; April 21st, 2008 at 10:08 AM. Reason: poor speller & double post
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Old March 21st, 2007, 04:44 PM   #13
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Nice script Bob. When are you shooting this ?? I gotta a lot of crap to add to the pile...
Chris J. Barcellos
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Old March 21st, 2007, 11:13 PM   #14
New Boot
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Originally Posted by Phil Bloom View Post
hey! just seen a new 35mm adaptor mentioned at the top of this thread at

shall i get one?
Originally Posted by Bob Hart View Post
A Cinealta camera tumbles down from higher on the disturbed pile.
Haha, you guys had me rolling... thanks.

Last edited by Michael Hechanova; March 21st, 2007 at 11:22 PM. Reason: Dammit, this is my first post??? I suck.
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Old March 22nd, 2007, 05:53 AM   #15
Inner Circle
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"When are you going to shoot this?"

It is a case of "I wish". I do write stuff but have not exercised the necessary discipline so far to take any of it to a higher level. Have sort of taken refuge in the learning process in tagging along on other people's projects.

When I was a kid, Cinealtas weren't in the shed. A blower from a Buffalo forge was. It was just rubbish to us then and a sought-after collector's item now.

We used to crank the handle and spool the thing up until it was fairly screaming then drop a handful of wheat or chook pellets into the fan housing which would shoot it out through a spout which normally fed air to red hot blacksmiths coals.

The chickens came running for their food. Didn't matter to them whether a human hand cast it or it came flying out into the yard like an insane efflux from a jet engine.

My cousin got the idea of tossing in a handful of canine kibbles (dog biscuits which made teeth loosen if you tried to snack on them) and jammed it up solid. It never went again after that but grandad never said a thing.
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