Short film shot with Letus35A and Canon XL2 at
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Old September 19th, 2006, 11:06 AM   #1
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Short film shot with Letus35A and Canon XL2

Hi Everyone,

I thought some people might like to see some more sample footage of the Letus35A.

I recently finished making my second short film, and I used my Canon XL2 and Letus35A (with Canon SLR lenses) for the shoot. The super short trailer for the film, showing off the DOF of the Letus35A, can be found in full-res QuickTime and half-res Flash formats here:

A gallery of still images from the film, showing off the DOF even more, can be found here:

And here is a candid image of the XL2 and Letus35A posing with yours truly on set:

The LCD monitor on top of the camera in that photo is the VariZoom TFT7, which supports flipping the image horizontally and vertically so you can see your 35mm adapted footage correctly.

All footage was shot pretty flat and white balanced, and then color corrected in post.

I'm sure you can see all the problems of other Letus samples in these, but I really think the Letus worked quite well and provided amazing results for my very very small budget. The trailer has gotten a lot of positive comments regarding the cinematography, so thanks Quyen!

I did run into a snag, however: At one point during the shoot, the Letus didn't want to turn on a couple times. It came back to life after almost taking it all apart the first time, and the second time I just smacked it on the side to wake it up. Perhaps a loose connection somewhere.

And the promo postcard that has nothing to do with the Letus is here :)
Bourbon: It's hard being a small time gangster.
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Old September 20th, 2006, 03:42 AM   #2
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Very very sharp. What did you use vegas to edit and Colour grade? One of the best letus examples i've seen.
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Old September 20th, 2006, 09:48 AM   #3
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I used Vegas to edit the video, and for color correction I used the Sony Color Corrector video plug-in that comes with Vegas.

To flip the video in Vegas, I used my Flip plug-in, available at, which flips SD video in real-time on my computer, and is far faster than Vegas' built-in flipping capability.

One thing I had to do was to bump the sharpness up on my XL2 to about mid-level on the sharpness meter. This really helped, before doing that the video was a lot softer and getting sharp focus wasn't really possible.

One thing I noticed is that footage shot with the Letus looks better (sharper, cleaner) on an NTSC CRT monitor, instead of my LCD computer monitor. This is true for all video, but it really makes a big difference with the Letus footage.
Bourbon: It's hard being a small time gangster.
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