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Old August 7th, 2007, 08:25 AM   #31
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You can see what I mean in some of the clips on the SGpro site. Note that is still looks very good. I might be out in Las Vegas at the end of September for several days on a shoot, we need to hook up and talk shop.

ash =o)
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Old April 17th, 2008, 07:16 PM   #32
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Lets re-examine this one year later...

Aaaah NAB 2008 - Hmmm With the Brevis introducing the computer chip controlled system, does it now outclass the Letus? Or does the Letus35 extreme still "rock the house" on the HVX200?
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Old April 17th, 2008, 10:51 PM   #33
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In the handheld-camera lens adapter market the Letus has the best image quality by a far margin and the best design/build quality. That plus the upcoming Letus Ultimate which will allow the same adapter to be used on either handheld cams or 2/3" inch bodies will make it the only adapter on the planet able to pull off that feat.

The only other adapter that has better build or design quality would be the Mini35 from P+S - just add another $10k to the price and take off 1.5 stops of light (the P+S is darker than Letus).
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Old April 18th, 2008, 12:20 AM   #34
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What does the rumor mill say the pricing on the Ultimate will be? Will it remain at or around $1500?
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Old April 18th, 2008, 07:54 AM   #35
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i own the leuse35 Fe over almost 2 years shoot with it over 100 projects and i think the best camera adaptor comdo is with the Sony-v1
ram shani-cinematographer
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Old April 18th, 2008, 09:33 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by R. L. Appling View Post
What does the rumor mill say the pricing on the Ultimate will be? Will it remain at or around $1500?
The Ultimate comes in 2 parts; the first module fits the handheld, built-in-lens cameras just as the current Extreme does except it will have a better GG unit and less light loss; the expected price for the Ultimate module 1 is *appx* $5000. The second module is used to connect 2/3" inch cameras to the Ultimate (another high-quality relay lens) it too is expected around $4-5k. Both modules are required to be used together in order to connect to a 2/3" inch body. That's my understanding of it.

The concept here is that you can use the same unit with any camera on the market, 1/3" all the way up to 2/3" inch and for less than half the cost of the P+S Pro35, which is currently the only lens adapter for the 2/3" inch cameras.

On the below page are partner videos for the Panny NAB booth; check out the video link for Letus to watch one of the Le brothers discussing the new Ultimate:


Can't wait!
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Old April 22nd, 2008, 05:35 PM   #37
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So, assuming that those who respond have worked with all of the adapters and speak from firsthand experience - then the general opinion is the Letus35 is #1. Is the Brevis unit then #2 and Redrock #3? While I have never operated one myself - the Brevis sure looks sleek, clean, and easy to operate. The Redrock however was not a good first hand experience for me personally (External battery power would have helped that - unreliable GG shifting in its mount from time to time - it was a rental unit so that may have been the cause i guess). If its the quality control and the optics in the Letus that allows it to surpass the others - this is by what kind of margin? Slight or serious? I really want to know before I spent 2K on equipment. Too hard to earn it in the first place to then turn around throw it away on bad/uniformed choices on my part.

I would also appreciate some suggestions on Follow Focus units for the adapter. Mine will be mounted on a Zacuto system. Despite the issues I experienced with the Redrock Adapter I really liked the Redrock Follow Focus unit - very solid, little play, and a wide gear (which really helps I think) But thats like $700. I saw JBK at Cinegear Expo back in 2006, which was under $500 - is this a good unit?
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Old April 22nd, 2008, 06:15 PM   #38
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Zacuto has their own (now revised, Ver 2) FF unit which is one of the best in the industry and has various gears available to be used on literally any setup.

Rental units typically get abused rather than cared for which is why you might have had issues with the M2, however as stated earlier the Letus is superior both in build quality and light transmission.
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Old April 22nd, 2008, 09:32 PM   #39
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Thanks for the response Robert. The Zacuto unit is way out of my budget. Any runner ups you would recommend?
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Old April 23rd, 2008, 01:01 PM   #40
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I personally have only ever used Arri or Zacuto FF units, so I can't recommend anything based on experience. Considering that Zacuto gives all the "Z"-branded equipment a lifetime warranty I'd buy that over anything else regardless the cost.
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Old April 24th, 2008, 05:49 PM   #41
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Ok Robert - I took your advice and ordered the Letus Extreme this week directly from Zacuto with the Z rail Adapter and 4" rods. I already own the Zacuto baseplate and 12" rods. The Zacuto Follow Focus is still out of my budget but at least I know which direction to head when the time comes. Thanks for your help.
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Old April 30th, 2008, 01:20 PM   #42
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Let us (no pun intended) know how you like the rig!
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Old July 21st, 2008, 12:01 PM   #43
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just realized someone was using this thread to make buying decisions and just wanted to chime in. I get antsy when I see people making claims on the forums about which is adapter is way better than the others because i've owned a lot of them.

Leaving the Letus Ultimate aside which I haven't seen yet but is significantly more expensive ( though it sounds killer.) - I don't think there is a clear ranking between the Letus Extreme, the SGPro and the Brevis.

They all have pros and cons which have been described elsewhere in great detail. I own all three and have also owned a Redrock. The build quality in my opinion is equal between those three. The Letus looks like its build quality is greater but my experience is they are about the same. If anything the SG seems to have fewer complaints but that may be because its a spinner. I wasn't impressed with the Redrock design as much but it seems to have been improved by the flip addition and many people like its more diffused look.

Of the pro's and cons - The Brevis is fastest in low light with f 2.8 lenses. The SG probably has the prettiest look but loses more light, and the Extreme falls in between the 2. All are reasonably fast compared to the Redrock and all 4 look much better with their flip adapter.

They are also all works in progress and changing everyday.

Lenny Levy
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Old August 20th, 2008, 04:19 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Leonard Levy View Post
just realized someone was using this thread to make buying decisions and just wanted to chime in. I get antsy when I see people making claims on the forums about which is adapter is way better than the others because i've owned a lot of them.

Leaving the Letus Ultimate aside which I haven't seen yet but is significantly more expensive ( though it sounds killer.) - I don't think there is a clear ranking between the Letus Extreme, the SGPro and the Brevis.

They all have pros and cons which have been described elsewhere in great detail. I own all three and have also owned a Redrock. The build quality in my opinion is equal between those three. The Letus looks like its build quality is greater but my experience is they are about the same. If anything the SG seems to have fewer complaints but that may be because its a spinner. I wasn't impressed with the Redrock design as much but it seems to have been improved by the flip addition and many people like its more diffused look.

Of the pro's and cons - The Brevis is fastest in low light with f 2.8 lenses. The SG probably has the prettiest look but loses more light, and the Extreme falls in between the 2. All are reasonably fast compared to the Redrock and all 4 look much better with their flip adapter.

They are also all works in progress and changing everyday.

Lenny Levy
Lenny - which has the least f-stop loss? This is very important for someone who is buying it for use with an HV20/30.
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Old August 21st, 2008, 01:57 AM   #45
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he claims the brevis35 does. If you go with the brevis I'd recommend getting it with the flip adapter. It really improves edge sharpness and reduces CA.
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