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Old April 8th, 2006, 10:39 PM   #1
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Go35Pro Footage

As I'm nearing development completion, I wanted to gather some links to make it less likely that they'd get lost in the random noise of other disparate discussion threads.

The footage here involves the Pro version of what will be my commercial adapter and should cost in the neighborhood of $550-600. All footage is from a Canon GL1 unless otherwise noted, no CC, straight from NTSC DV .avi to QT7 2000kbps h.264.

The newest bit of business, random shots using a macro extension set.

Other recently shot clips can be seen here:

Outside Clip 1, Outside Clip 2, and Outside Clip 3.

There is also a bit of interior business in QT6 as well.

My apologoies for the somewhat sloppy nature of some of these shots -- working hard to get the adapter out the door leaves for little time to actually do some quality shooting... otherwise, some have pointed out some dust seen in shots and I'm almost embaraased to say that much of what's there is actually inside the lens of my cam :(

Within the coming weeks I'll have more footage to show, from different cams and under different shooting conditions. Please, stay tuned -- and thanks for all the input and hard work shared with this community over the years I endeavored this project.

- jim
Realism, anyway, is never exactly the same as reality, and in the cinema it is of necessity faked. -- J-L G

Last edited by Jim Lafferty; April 9th, 2006 at 07:15 AM.
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Old April 11th, 2006, 11:44 PM   #2
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DVX test yesterday was rushed, so it will be some time before a proper shoot can be set up -- a week or so should have some footage with that cam.

Meanwhile, here's a still -- it was just two guys and a cam at a cafe table for about 20 minutes...
Realism, anyway, is never exactly the same as reality, and in the cinema it is of necessity faked. -- J-L G
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Old April 13th, 2006, 05:00 AM   #3
Inner Circle
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Very nice. Made me feel like falling off the wagon the image is that fresh.

I tried hotspraying orchard wax (canauba - not micro) = didn't work but may have potential if it could be gradually built up in a hot mist coat. The orchard wax is an emulsion,also red brown coloured as it builds up but wipes clean with a slight opaque patina where it has separated out of the emulsion and stuck to the disk.
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Old April 13th, 2006, 02:10 PM   #4
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Great looking footage. Are you still producing the adapter for the $209 you stated in another post? What is the main difference with the pro and $209?
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Old April 13th, 2006, 05:25 PM   #5
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Yes, I'm still producing the $209 Go35SD. I'll explain their differences in depth in the upcoming FAQ, which I thought would've been done by now but I've been weathering some personal things and so haven't had the time to get it posted.

Since the logo contest is closed as of tomorrow, the weekend will be the perfect time to put the FAQ up with the new logo and some new footage :)

Thanks for your interested and patience...

- jim
Realism, anyway, is never exactly the same as reality, and in the cinema it is of necessity faked. -- J-L G
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Old April 14th, 2006, 10:04 AM   #6
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Indeed the footage looks great. Very sharp and crisp. A nice job overall.

Is the logo on your website now?
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Old April 21st, 2006, 09:26 AM   #7
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The logo's now on the footage.

Check these out -- did a test with the DVX yesterday, mixed 50mm and 80-200mm zoom lenses:




Here I've got a series of clips, from the GL1 with the Nikon 50mm stopped down to a range of between f/5.6 and f/11. I did this because I know adapters generally work best stopped down a little to get some DOF back, but this also highlights the grain and proves problematic for a non-moving adapter. I find the grain in these images to be acceptable, and it only gets better on the DVX:





I will have footage from yesterday's DVX shoot up later today...

- jim
Realism, anyway, is never exactly the same as reality, and in the cinema it is of necessity faked. -- J-L G
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Old April 21st, 2006, 02:38 PM   #8
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This is footage from the DVX with the 80-200mm zoom attached. It's simple playin' around, but you get a chance to see how good the detail retention and how little grain there is with this adapter.

There is minor vignetting and chromatic aberration due to, I would guess, the cheap macro I'm currently using. Next up is having a custom achromat machined for the adapter.

If anyone is interested in getting in on the ground floor with this adapter, I'm going to do a limited quantity of beta units that will be manufactured and sent in the next two weeks while I wait for the achromats to come in. Beta testers will get a significant discount on the unit ($430), and I'm offering a free upgrade to the final production unit from there.

Email me if interested -- info at go-35 dot com.
Realism, anyway, is never exactly the same as reality, and in the cinema it is of necessity faked. -- J-L G
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Old April 21st, 2006, 04:46 PM   #9
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Wow, this looks quite impressive for a static adapter! Could you post some full ress grabs? Something with lenses stopped really down so we could see the amount of the grain. Im starting to get interested!

Oh, and the big question allways asked: what about light loss?
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Old April 21st, 2006, 04:56 PM   #10
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Hi Mikko,

Well, you can't really see the grain unless you underexpose a shot. I generally don't underexpose, so I don't have much if any footage where the grain is evident. The footage above is mixed f/2.8, f/5.6 and I think f/11 iris on the SLR lens, with the DVX's exposure increased or decreased to compensate and expose properly. We even shot some stuff at f/16 and the grain doesn't increase.

If you'd like me to provide some full res stills from the DVX, I'll be happy to, but please allow some time. I've been rendering two pass h.264 from the DVX shoot -- started it at about 11am this morning and at 6:52pm here, it's only 64% done! :O

I do have some full res stills up from the GL1 shoot -- they are here. All these shots were gotten again at a range of f/5.6 - f/11 on the SLR lens. The GL1 was set to 1/60th shutter at f/2.0.

edit: Oh, and light loss? I haven't really tested it but I would suspect it's in the neighborhood of 1 stop.

Thanks for your kind words!

- jim
Realism, anyway, is never exactly the same as reality, and in the cinema it is of necessity faked. -- J-L G
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Old April 21st, 2006, 06:50 PM   #11
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New clip. This is with the DVX, Nikon 50mm at mixed exposures from f/2.8 to f/11. Even at around 60mb, it's worth the wait.
Realism, anyway, is never exactly the same as reality, and in the cinema it is of necessity faked. -- J-L G
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Old April 21st, 2006, 07:59 PM   #12
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Wow. That's really sharp. At least, in the middle...

I don't want to sound harsh and bump into the discussion, but I hope you get your anchromats soon!

I really hope you can pull it off!
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Old April 21st, 2006, 09:47 PM   #13
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It's not a matter of hope -- just time and money.
Realism, anyway, is never exactly the same as reality, and in the cinema it is of necessity faked. -- J-L G
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Old April 22nd, 2006, 01:00 AM   #14
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Jim, are you the one in black shirt?
Affordable Adapter
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Old April 22nd, 2006, 02:40 AM   #15
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Nice footage. Hope the achromat will sort your sort edge issue and seperation.

Jim, am I right in saying you are the guy with the beard, and the guy with the black shirt and glasses is Timur?
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