okej... condensor questions. at DVinfo.net
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Old January 3rd, 2006, 06:12 AM   #1
New Boot
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 12
okej... condensor questions.

Hello everybody.

I´ve just finnished my 35 adaptor (a cd spinner)

test shots with a Canon XM1 here ---->


and i know that you are probably tired of answering these questions but i´ll shoot anyhow and hope for the best. I´ve read through most of the topics here in search for information about plano-convex lenses, but still i have a few questions:

1. I´m using the new Panasonic DVX100B, it har a lens diameter of 72 mm and i plan to put a plano-convex lens just in front of it (right?) so that the light from the GG distributes to the dark edges. I´m guessing i shold get a lens that is about 75-80 mm diameter for the best results, and i would want to have it as close to the cameralens as possible with the flat side of the lens towards the camera. Is this right or completely crasy?

2. I will put no Plano-convex lens between the SLR lens and the GG, right?

3. What strength should i by? +5 - +10, what would be the differens (barrel distortion, color errors etc. ?)

4. finally, where is the best place to get one?

if anyone is using a CD-spinner with a DVX100, please let me know what i´m looking for. Or if anyone else knows the answers to these questions please let me know.

I´d really appriciate it!
Jonas Gramming is offline   Reply With Quote
Old January 3rd, 2006, 06:55 AM   #2
Major Player
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Brighton, East Sussex, UK
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Hi there,
OK, choosing the right plano convex (PCX) lens depends alot on your setup. The PCX lens does not go against the camcorder lens but against the ground glass (although being a cd spinner not touching, obviously), between the ground glass and camcorder with flat side facing the the ground glass curved side facing the camcorder.

I dont think you need a PCX as big as 80mm diameter. A 50 - 60mm dia. PCX will do fine. The important parameter is the PCX's Focal Length (FL). This will depend on what camcorder (DVX100B in your case) you use and its distance from the ground glass. 100mm FL is a good start.

You can get PCX lenses from:


Hope that helps
Wayne Kinney is offline   Reply With Quote
Old January 3rd, 2006, 07:28 AM   #3
New Boot
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 12
thanks man!

I´ll by it and try it!

apriciate the help!!
Jonas Gramming is offline   Reply

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