4:4:4 HD Uncompressed via Picture mode ala Juan's mod? - Page 2 at DVinfo.net
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Old April 28th, 2004, 09:52 AM   #16
RED Code Chef
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That makes sense and was the way I expected it to be. Thanks
for the clearing this up, Juan!

Rob Lohman, visuar@iname.com
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Old April 28th, 2004, 05:07 PM   #17
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The statement quoted above that was made in my DVX thread about the DVX's CCD's being 934x768 was incorrect, and was originally made by me based on some information I found for Panasonic broadcast sensors...this was before i actually captured the entire raw frame.
Yes I know...i've been reading your thread since the beginning. You just got confused over what I was quoting. I was quoting your real resolution findings that you posted later on: 771x494. I then quoted John Gaspain, who posted on your thread saying that his Panasonic 953 had an actual CCD resolution of 934x768.

I know that each CCD has it's own limitations, but what I was wondering is that some might be capable of more. I compared my picture mode to the d.wide mode which really really seems like it is downconverting from a higher resolution....just to find the limits.

Also, Juan...say I don't hit the ccd resolution limit on my camera, and I have to find the highest sample area which can hit 30fps, would it be possible to mathimatically work out a higher sample rate at say...24fps?

Thanks for your time,
JVC DV3000U - 30P (non-interlaced) capture on a budget - tests@http://robvideo.netfirms.com
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Old April 28th, 2004, 06:28 PM   #18
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Rob, Sorry for the misunderstanding...i guess i didn't read it correctly..thanks for clearing it up. :)

All the CCD's i have seen so far have only specific modes, 2 of them specifically. One for video and another for stills. Afaik, you can't over-clock any mode...you might be able to under-clock a mode that supports a higher frame-rate however.

The frame sizes of the modes are pre-set and not user selectable, so it's not like you can select a slightly larger area of the CCD to work at a slightly lower rate than 30fps..it's either full frame or the small frame for video that whoever designed the thing set. The full-frame rates are usually so slow that even if you could, you'd have to do some dramatic overclocking. Usually they are around 5-15fps.

Hope this helps!
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Old April 28th, 2004, 10:33 PM   #19
Space Hipster
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If you can capture 5-15fps images, Twixtor or other retimer should do a great job of turning that into 24 or 30 fps. I get great results on some types of footage taking 3fps into 24fps.
stephen v2
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