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Old May 1st, 2009, 10:53 AM   #1
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You ever been so hungry you can't decide what to eat?

You ever been so hungry you can't decide what to eat? That is my predicament. I'm in the market for a 35mm adapter system and can't decide. Hopefully this will be a definitive thread that can help a lot of people in my situation.

1. Professional DSLR Bundle - $1,348.00 : Octopi Films, Tools for Film
2. Jag35 Depth of field Adapters
3. IndiSYSTEM - Studio 4 Productions - The indiRAILSpro
4. Welcome to shoot35!
5. GT35pro DOF 35mm Adapter.
6. Digital Photography, Cameras direct from India
7. EnCinema 35mm DOF Adapter

Here's what I'm looking for. I have a Canon HF S100 as my B camera. I am looking for the least expensive way for me to have a 35mm adapter/rail system without building it myself. As for quality, I don't need pro quality because when I shoot my film I will rent whatever setup I need. I need this for Commercials, Music Videos, Doc's, etc.

If you have experience with a 35mm adapter please give me advice whether to buy one or stay away from another. Thanks.
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Old May 4th, 2009, 04:37 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by G. Lee Gordon View Post
I don't need pro quality because when I shoot my film I will rent whatever setup I need. I need this for Commercials, Music Videos, Doc's, etc.
Good to know your commercials, music videos & such aren't professional quality.
Less competition to worry about!

Since you will be renting gear when you shoot your film, why not rent a 35mm DOF adapter and see, before you blow your cash on purchasing what might be the wrong one.
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Old May 4th, 2009, 07:04 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by David W. Jones View Post
Less competition to worry about!
Have you failed in life for so long that you've sold your soul; trading your artistic vision in a competition for money. Or, do you have such a lack of talent that you worry about what the more gifted people in your chosen profession are doing?

As for your advice, by the time I rented the adapters I could buy one... All I wanted was some advice. Give a guy a break.
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Old May 5th, 2009, 06:44 AM   #4
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One break coming up........ I own a Brevis flip, which is not on your list.

I guess you didn't see the sarcasm in my reply to your posting that you didn't need pro quality because you were just shooting commercials, music videos, Doc's.
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Old May 8th, 2009, 08:19 AM   #5
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I concur with David. I find the statement in the original post to be a bit strange.
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Old May 8th, 2009, 11:50 AM   #6
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Give me a break!

Is it really that difficult to understand? I'll B-R-E-A-K I-T D-O-W-N F-O-R Y-O-U.

I am looking for the least expensive way for me to have a 35mm adapter/rail system without building it myself(Self Explanatory).

As for quality, I don't need pro quality because when I shoot my film I will rent whatever setup I need. I need this for Commercials, Music Videos, Doc's, etc.
Explanation: For the projects that i need this adapter for I do not need to spend $3500+ for 35mm adapter system. One of the lower end systems would be fine. Their(the adapters listed) quality is adequate for the projects I have slated. WHen I finish these projects and begin to work on my film I have a larger budget where I will rent Pro Equipment, not pro-sumer.

I take it the problem you have with the original post is:
As for quality, I don't need pro quality because when I shoot my film I will rent whatever setup I need. I need this for Commercials, Music Videos, Doc's, etc.

Fine, let's say I made a mistake...DO YOU REALLY NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT I AM ASKING?

All I was doing is asking for help. Why make me out to be an A-hole? I can't stand pompous people! Nobody in this forum is Lucas or JJ Abrahm's. But together with each others help we might be one day.
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Old May 8th, 2009, 10:26 PM   #7
Inner Circle
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1. Professional DSLR Bundle - $1,348.00 : Octopi Films, Tools for Film
2. Jag35 Depth of field Adapters
3. IndiSYSTEM - Studio 4 Productions - The indiRAILSpro
4. Welcome to shoot35!
5. GT35pro DOF 35mm Adapter.
6. Digital Photography, Cameras direct from India
7. EnCinema 35mm DOF Adapter

Of all the adaptors listed above, from what I can see on the websites, only Wayne Kinney's adaptor (Welcome to Shoot35) is a flip adaptor. It is also now a matured product having moved more than one generation from original. If you are going to use an adaptor for shooting commercials and need fast setup times and post turnaround, then a non-flip adaptor will have you walking in a deep bog.

For quickie commercials, any 35mm adaptor is going to slow you down because of the more complex setting up, two layers of focus and exposure management, need for a good monitor for focusing and heavyness of the hardware compared to a bare small camera.

Until you can count on your ability with the adaptors after considerable practice, count on having to go back and re-shoot at least one critical shot.

Once you have it down pat, you can achieve a good value add to your product but it still will not be quick.

If you want to use one at a hobby or enthusiast level where time and deadlines are not an issue then the others are probably fine. Build quality will vary.

Last edited by Bob Hart; May 8th, 2009 at 10:31 PM. Reason: added text
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Old May 10th, 2009, 09:19 PM   #8
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Bob, thanks for the advice :)
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Old May 10th, 2009, 11:32 PM   #9
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Here are some really good cheap Rails
IndiSYSTEM - Studio 4 Productions - The indiRAILSpro
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Old May 11th, 2009, 04:14 PM   #10
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Thanks Cameron. I'm going to pick up a SHrig Rig.
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