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Old January 5th, 2004, 01:46 PM   #691
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this is the best video i did with the adaptor

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Old January 5th, 2004, 04:02 PM   #692
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Daniel, in that second image there seems to be quite a lot of grain, almost as much as using the frosted cd as a static solution.

Anyway, we've completed the second mini50 for my Sony VX2000. It is nearly identical to Devin's, but the box has been cut down to allow the camera to get closer to the GG while still retaining the correct GG to 50mm distance. We found that with our Samigon 58mm +10's that getting closer to the GG and being less zoomed in kills the distortion that Agus had mentioned about our previous test, which can be found here:

And the images of the newest adapter are here:


As you can see, the new adapter also features a niftly little LED to help remind us that the motor is running. Also, I had the mount to a Bogen monopod layin' around after building our steadicam, which sort of makes handheld footage more possible. The image from this new adapter seem to be about perfect, and I hope to get some footage up as soon as I have time (classes just started up again.)

Spencer Houck
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Old January 5th, 2004, 04:45 PM   #693
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Daniel, I saw 2 dark clips from cristmas party, and summerbeach.wmv
All are low quality, maybe it is about compression for internet, but i doubt. I think You didn't catch 100% focus on ground plate.
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Old January 5th, 2004, 06:01 PM   #694
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Lens...anyone on a DVX100?

I'm curious ( now that more Agus35s are popping up) -- What type of SLR lens works best for the price. I'm not a big photographer and don't have any lenses lying around-this will be my greatest expense. What size? Anything special I need to look for. I found a couple lenses nearby that I could buy-- fstops as low as 1.8 on one and 2.8 on another. Is there a big difference here? I found one with an "80 mm macro zoom" would this be useful? I'm wanting to put it on a dvx100(A) (that's one more thing I've got to get :))
Is anyone here currently running an Agus on this camera?

Thanks for coping with my ignorace...
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Old January 5th, 2004, 06:16 PM   #695
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Hi Fenn,
I have been following this closely as I have a DVX100 and the issues with this camera is it probably will require a Acromatic Diopter lens (Century Optics make one). I am presently building one for my little Sony TRV 8 as a concept test.

Check out http://www.dvxuser.com/cgi-bin/DVX/Y...num=1070228577

I started a topic specifically relating to this and the DVX.

Let me know how it goes.....
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Old January 5th, 2004, 06:59 PM   #696
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okey ignas.

if u dont know how to look at an image and overlook the internet compression, that not my problem.

i dont have the chance to show you the real stuff without compression, so, forget it. trash as u can.

make something worth and show it here.

the image you may like would look suberb, as u dont like anything that i did. so, im really looking foward to see what u did to fullfill your needs

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Old January 5th, 2004, 07:24 PM   #697
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Thanks Taylor... I guess I'll join the throng experimenting on the DVX. I'd prefer to see someone else who has gotten it to work before I waste my time and money :)
I guess I'll have to boldly explore this new frontier with some uncertainty! This will be a fun task. Sorry for not knowing much on lenses, but I'd like to clarify. The DVX100 has not yet been successfully adapted much because it need some sort of magnification to pick up the gg image. Correct? So another $50-$250 for an acromatic diopter. How about if I get an SLR lens with a "macro zoom". Will this work, or is it a totally different concept. Another problem is, one macro zoom lens I found is at f4.5. I'm guessing that may limit light intake a bit to severely?

Thanks again for the help...
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Old January 5th, 2004, 07:36 PM   #698
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Re: DVX100/Lens

I guess I'll have to boldly explore this new frontier with some uncertainty! This will be a fun task. Sorry for not knowing much on lenses, but I'd like to clarify. The DVX100 has not yet been successfully adapted much because it need some sort of magnification to pick up the gg image. Correct?

Yes Correct.

So another $50-$250 for an acromatic diopter. How about if I get an SLR lens with a "macro zoom". Will this work, or is it a totally different concept.

Different Concept as the DVX has to have the diopter attached to it so it can focus on the GG without the device being 5 feet away.

Another problem is, one macro zoom lens I found is at f4.5. I'm guessing that may limit light intake a bit to severely?

Yeah create a standard mount that will take say Pentax lens then start with say a 5omm, as fast as you can get. Then as it develops you can add more lens to your bag.

Lower f number the faster the lens lets light in.

Hope this helps. I know Martin on the DVX user forum is close...but since Christmas has been quiet...Must be building:)

Thanks again for the help... -->>>
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Old January 5th, 2004, 07:59 PM   #699
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So what is the difference between the standard SONY Handycam TRV Lens and a DVX lens? Why will the DVX not focus on something close without the diopter? I'll have to pull my TRV-310 out and do some experimentation. I'm about to buy a 50mm lens on e-bay. Everything else is ready, casing, gg, motor, etc... Thanks...
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Old January 5th, 2004, 08:02 PM   #700
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The achomatic dioptre. Could someone please enlighten this ignorant mind. My solutions so far for getting the PD150 close enough to the groundglass all tend to blur the corners.

I've sent another .jpg to Chris. I reprinted the test pattern on photo paper for crisper lines and ran the two tests again. They were combined in Ulead Photoplus4 at 50% transparency for easier comparison.

The results are intriguing for a camera which claims to resolve at 530 TV lines. The test patterns were small in the frame which should in theory cause the resolution to be on the low side, but make up your own minds on it.

The tests are far from scientific in that they have not been done with the camera and pattern on a frame with accurate centering and the lighting was very low which hopefully reflects real-world conditions.

This image will be at www.dvinfo.net/media/hart/ and is titled testpnew0+5.jpg

As for lenses, the best glass on front for best result. I would favour prime lenses, not zooms which are often not as sharp. You already have the zoom facility in your camcorder which will work a lot better than 35mm zooms through a groundglass. Your chances of getting the backfocus right and keeping it that way for a zoom lens with an improvised mount may not be good.
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Old January 5th, 2004, 09:13 PM   #701
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DVX Lens

The difference is the DVX does not have macro lens like the Sony does the DVX's minium focus distance is like 4ft.

Where as the Sony TRV can focus alot closer.
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Old January 5th, 2004, 11:52 PM   #702
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Did ever find out what camera that ground glass came from? I'm still interested and would like to give the static way a chance first. Thanks, Corey
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Old January 5th, 2004, 11:55 PM   #703
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I dont think that the frosted cd at high speed produces grain, thats not true, but what you get is lower light perception, and thats even considering thatt we are not yet flipping the image yet.

Hey Daniel,... your adapter rocks !!!!! excellent video and optics !! you got there some treasure.
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Old January 6th, 2004, 01:05 AM   #704
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Got some footage capped with my new mini50 adapter on my Sony VX2000. Check out "Mini50 on VX2k" in the tests section here:

I'm pretty sure the distortion is gone, and I'm very happy with the image, hopefully the random shots of my friends playing video games will show enough to prove it. ;)

Thanks again everyone on this crazy-huge thread!

Spencer Houck
www.par-t-com.net > C'mon, you know you wanna click it.
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Old January 6th, 2004, 03:26 AM   #705
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Spencer. Is there any chance of getting a frame grab from your Mini50 as a .jpg file up somewhere, maybe even here. Chris has been putting my tests up here so would probably be no problem if you request putting it in with my lot.

Landline speed here is as slow as 752 bytes per second so meaningful Quicktime just is not an option.

I'd like to see if the Samigon is good into the corners as my options are not so good.
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