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Old December 11th, 2003, 01:58 PM   #271
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BestBuy CD

If you can wait for shipping here is one

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Old December 11th, 2003, 02:09 PM   #272
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I have been getting all my materials together to build an Agus35 with a DVX100. I bought a 30 pack CD spindle but I am not sure where i should place the spinning CD. Would it be better to place it by the Camcorder lens or the SLR 50mm lens? Should you place the CD as close to the lens as possible?
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Old December 11th, 2003, 02:17 PM   #273
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Ok folks ....i have some test video ...from a very very basic agus35. ......Let me just say that .....the video example is very poor quality. ....nothing at all like agus' videos. ....This is strickly a test.


Here's what I did. ...I took a cardboard box ...cut a hole in each end ....stuck my vivitar lens in one end ...and the canon gl2 in the other end. ....i slit a hole in the top ....and stuck a sand papered clear CD in the top ....then i just shot some video. .......

A few notes

Lighting is definitely a problem ....As you can see ...it was very dark ...and I had the settings cranked up pretty high in the gl2

Another thing .....Agus recommened using 600 grit sandpaper ....I didnt have 600 ....so i used 150 .........as you can see it puts huge scratches in the CD ........Also .......as you can probably see ....the CD (ground glass) ...is not spinning. ....

Aaron ......I posted a question about the round bright spot .....I fixed that problem ..... ..I hadnt sanded the CD enough. ....I took the CD out ..sanded it some more ...and that ...essentially diffused the bright round light.

Hope i didnt offend Agus by constructing such a bad test agus35 ...

let me know if you have any questions or comments

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Old December 11th, 2003, 02:34 PM   #274
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<<<-- Originally posted by Louis Grimaldo : I have been getting all my materials together to build an Agus35 with a DVX100. I bought a 30 pack CD spindle but I am not sure where i should place the spinning CD. Would it be better to place it by the Camcorder lens or the SLR 50mm lens? Should you place the CD as close to the lens as possible? -->>>

it depends on your lens and camera, like mine is 1 3/4" away from the 50mm ans 3/4" away from the camera.

Just experiment untill you get a clear projection on the gg.

hehe...I guess I better let the cat out of the bag now- (mine is adjustable :) I will post some pics of my setup in a while.
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Old December 11th, 2003, 03:14 PM   #275
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Great freaking idea!!!!! Adjustable, perfect. I think I am going to lay off awhile, waiting for all beta tests to yeild the perfect final result. You guys are awesome!

I understand everything about nothing.
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Old December 11th, 2003, 05:00 PM   #276
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posing a thought ...and asking a question ....

isnt there some sort of material out there ...like wax paper .....that you could put in the place of the GG ........like ..the translucent screen in an SLR camera. ......that way ..you could have a clean enough image ..without having to spin the projection screen (ground glass)

my question is ......what percentage of the original picture ...(720 X 480) are you losing.......by zooming in to the image close enough to eliminate vignetting.

for exampe ...are you ending up with ....a 680 X 420 image?? ....

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Old December 11th, 2003, 05:34 PM   #277
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OK I'll take a stab

# 1 even a very pure frosted (Wax Paper) type substrate is going to have issues because your taking 24-30fps it going to look like your filming thru a screen because the grain will not change overtime, unlike film who's grain is organic like due to changing it's pattern every frame. at least thats my take on it.

and #2
your not losing any resolution because you have not hit the cameras CCD's yet they are going to take a 720X480 sample of what ever they see.

I'm working on my plans right now, I really look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with.

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Old December 11th, 2003, 05:43 PM   #278
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heres my version,

im still experimenting with having to zoom slightly. I think that I can get the camera closer to the gg.

the gg is adjustable by moving the fan frame along the guide bolts.

I have a fresnel lens 1/8" away from the gg mounted on guitar wire.

I am using a Sima wide angle lens that I got at Bestbuy for $30 then removed the WA lens portion leaving the macro in place, If I just move the cam 1/2" closer I have a great picture without zooming, but I dont have a good way to secure it properly so I left it alone for now.

I also noticed that the final image is very dark, I might need a lighter gg






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Old December 11th, 2003, 06:19 PM   #279
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Interesting. VERY interesting. I may have to steal your idea of using the fan casing when I make mine. And is that a fresnel lens in the shot where the CD is off?
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Old December 11th, 2003, 06:35 PM   #280
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<<<-- Originally posted by Jon Yurek : Interesting. VERY interesting. I may have to steal your idea of using the fan casing when I make mine. And is that a fresnel lens in the shot where the CD is off? -->>>

ya thats the fresnel, im still unshure of the proper distance away from the GG, rit now its about 1/8" away (1/4" would be better)

Im pretty happy with using the fan. Its quiet and smooth. I used a part from an old DVD player to hold the CD, gluing that on center of the fan was a pain to get it centered. I also had to trim alot of plastic of the shroud with a mill so the GG wouldnt rub.
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Old December 11th, 2003, 06:38 PM   #281
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<<<-- Originally posted by John Gaspain : <<<-- Originally posted by Jon Yurek : Interesting. VERY interesting. I may have to steal your idea of using the fan casing when I make mine. And is that a fresnel lens in the shot where the CD is off? -->>>

ya thats the fresnel, im still unshure of the proper distance away from the GG, right now its about 1/8" away (1/4" would be better)

Im pretty happy with using the fan. Its quiet and smooth. I used a part from an old DVD player to hold the CD, gluing that on center of the fan was a pain to get it centered. I also had to trim alot of plastic of the shroud with a mill so the GG wouldnt rub. -->>>
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Old December 11th, 2003, 06:38 PM   #282
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Originally posted by John Gaspain : heres my version,

im still experimenting with having to zoom slightly. I think that I can get the camera closer to the gg...
Very cool. I'm using that same box housing from Radio Shack, but my design isn't nearly as industrial.

For those of you using the CD motor -- I noticed my portable CD player uses two "AA" batteries. Would upping that to a 9v stress the wiring or motor itself?

Also...my latest trip to Home Depot had me looking over the sandpaper section. I've already used 150 on my GG, and 600 was nowhere in sight. Agus, and others who've experienced success with their design -- can we see close-up, clean shots of your GG?

- jim
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Old December 11th, 2003, 07:29 PM   #283
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On my trip to HomeDepot the finest grit sandpaper I could find was 400 grit. It seemed to work well.
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Old December 11th, 2003, 07:41 PM   #284
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If not using sandblasted or chemically etched glass, I would be inclined to get hold of some 600 grade lapidary grit (silicon carbide), clamp two clear CD disks back to back with a firm seal around the inner hub and outer diameter edges, put a bunch of bearing balls into a gemstone tumbler barrel with the grit and water, turn it on and leave it to its own devices for a few hours.

As long as the two disks have not moved against each other or grit got in between them, you should end up with two clear disks with a translucent surface on one side and smooth on the other.

I would do only one pair in a barrel at a time as sliding edges will cause long scratches not short pitts.

Just a thought.
Bob Hart is offline   Reply With Quote
Old December 11th, 2003, 07:44 PM   #285
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i am using 2 AAA batteries (1.5 volts each) on the cd motor and I think thats going too fast and making more noise then it should... not nearly as much as the radio shack kiddie motors but noticable noise... any suggestions?

BTW: What project box size you guys using?
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