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Old January 9th, 2008, 10:47 PM   #31
Join Date: Jun 2006
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Originally Posted by Dan Brockett View Post
Do you know if those can be ordered hardwired? We are only testing hardwired mics this go around so that we can concentrate on the pure sound of the mic element without the distractions of wireless issues. I will eventually cover wireless in another article.


I don't think they come hard wired. I can't find them. In fact, when I was going to suggest them in the past, I thought of this. But then I forgot and suggested them.

But while I'm on the subject, there are two other mics you might consider, depending on how many you want to include in your review.

The most obvious is the Sony ECM-44B. Since it is kind of the default low cost option (and a "Top Seller" at B&H), there are many who might like to see how it compares to the higher-priced/smaller mics. In the most recent edition DV Magazine, there is an article about Alexis Krasilovsky and her documentary on women DPs which just had it's world premiere. In the article she says that she used the Sony 44B for almost all the interviews.

Another possible mic is the Sony ECM-55B. This is probably of less general interest. However, it has a special sound that was preferred my newscasters for a number of years, I believe. This mic might be an option for some people looking for a bolder, fuller sound for special situations. It is also an excellent multi-purpose mic.

Just ideas. These may or may not fit into the group you are evaluation. (If you are interested in either of these and don't have them at hand, I have them that I could give you for the tests.)
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Old January 9th, 2008, 11:52 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Jack Walker View Post
I don't think they come hard wired. I can't find them. In fact, when I was going to suggest them in the past, I thought of this. But then I forgot and suggested them.

But while I'm on the subject, there are two other mics you might consider, depending on how many you want to include in your review.

The most obvious is the Sony ECM-44B. Since it is kind of the default low cost option (and a "Top Seller" at B&H), there are many who might like to see how it compares to the higher-priced/smaller mics. In the most recent edition DV Magazine, there is an article about Alexis Krasilovsky and her documentary on women DPs which just had it's world premiere. In the article she says that she used the Sony 44B for almost all the interviews.

Another possible mic is the Sony ECM-55B. This is probably of less general interest. However, it has a special sound that was preferred my newscasters for a number of years, I believe. This mic might be an option for some people looking for a bolder, fuller sound for special situations. It is also an excellent multi-purpose mic.

Just ideas. These may or may not fit into the group you are evaluation. (If you are interested in either of these and don't have them at hand, I have them that I could give you for the tests.)
Hi Jack:

Good input, thanks.

I have sent a request to Sony on Monday. So far, I have heard nothing back. While I very much appreciate your generous offer to use your Sony mics, I will have to discuss it. I have some possible issues with using test samples not provided by the manufacturer. What if your mic has fungus growing in the diaphragm or has been slightly damaged? It could be perceived as slanting the issue of fairness from the brands that I borrow or obtain rental copies of in comparison to brand new factory fresh copies from other manufacturers? Not sure. But I will consider it.

I have a feeling that Sony and Countryman will not respond. I will have to begin the phone calls tomorrow.


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Old January 10th, 2008, 01:31 AM   #33
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Yes, it makes sense that it's best to test mics from the companies. May they all respond. Getting cooperation and participation seems to be the largest part of many projects.
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Old January 10th, 2008, 07:19 PM   #34
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Anyone have a Sony Broadcast Audio connection?

Hi all:

Wow, ever tried to get a review sample from Sony? Amazingly difficult to even get through to the correct department at Sony.

1. Tried e-mail request through Broadcast website
No repsonse
2. Today, two hours on hold and the phone. Spoke with Sony centers all over the U.S., New Jersey, New York, Miami, San Jose, LA, etc. That number that keeps coming up is the New Jersey number 800 686 7669. It was instantly busy from 6:00 AM PST to now. I can't tell if it's really busy or just messed up or a wrong number?

Bottom line, I am getting nowhere with even speaking to anyone at Sony Broadcast Audio. Anyone know a PR person with them that you can hook me up with? Just need to speak to someone. Everyone at Sony that I spoke with today just told me that I needed to speak to someone else and nobody even knew who the publicist/PR/marketing people for Sony mics were.

Any leads or suggestions? Large, faceless corporation likes voice prompts on their phones and it's like looking for a needle in a haystack.

All my best,

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Old January 13th, 2008, 07:48 PM   #35
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Good luck with Sony. And thank you SO MUCH for the tremendous piece of work you did test the boom mics. Makes me happy that I have a 60. REALLY, THANKS AGAIN!
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Old January 14th, 2008, 06:58 PM   #36
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Hey Dan,

I have both 77s and 44s in my personal inventory.

Want me to simply loan them to you for the test week?

Easier than dealing with the company, I bet!

Let me know.

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Old January 14th, 2008, 07:29 PM   #37
Inner Circle
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Originally Posted by Bill Davis View Post
Hey Dan,

I have both 77s and 44s in my personal inventory.

Want me to simply loan them to you for the test week?

Easier than dealing with the company, I bet!

Let me know.

Hi Bill:

Thank you so much for your generosity. I have hopefully made contact with a Sony rep through Location Sound so let me see what happens. I prefer to obtain all of the samples from the manufacturers because then they can't complain that we didn't have factory fresh certified brand new non defective samples, but if this falls apart, I may take you up on your offer.

Will keep in touch to let you know.


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Old January 16th, 2008, 11:18 AM   #38
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Hi guys:

Good news, I think. The very nice people at Location Sound are trying to hook me up with the local rep for Sony lavalieres so it is looking good for getting a hold of the ECM series for the tests.

I also had a very nice contact with DPA, they will be sending me three of their lavs to test. This article is shaping up to be very interesting and it's looking like I may have as many as 15 models of lavalieres to test!

Audio-Technica - AT899
Sennheiser - MKE2 Gold
Tram TR-50B
PSC - Millimic
DPA - 4060, 4071, 4081
Countryman - B6 (working on getting the EMW and B3 but so far, no response from them at all)
Sanken - COS-11X, COS-22
Sonotrim - shipping to me on the 21st?
Sony - ECM-44, ECM-55, ECM-88

Any other lavs I am missing here? Feel free to make suggestions, but if I can get a hold of all of these, I think we will have the lav market pretty well covered.


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