Mic questions for FX1 at DVinfo.net
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Old February 14th, 2007, 09:44 PM   #1
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Mic questions for FX1

On my previous projects I always had a sound tech so I never learned much about audio. Now I want to upgrade my audio equipment (and knowledge) for some solo work.

I have an FX1 with a BeachTek XLR adapter. Whats a good, all-around shotgun mic? I currently use Azden but I hear a lot of people don't like that brand. I haven't had any problems yet with it, but I don't want my first negative experience with it to be when I absolutely need it to work.

Also, are any wireless mics XLR? The system I use currently has a 3.5mm plug - same as the XLR adapter. Is it possible to record two tracks (each independent) on the same camera? I'm thinking since the sound coming from a laviler mic is mono it would be great if I could record a two sources - one left and one right.

Thanks in advance!!!
William W. Holcomb is offline   Reply With Quote
Old February 15th, 2007, 03:13 AM   #2
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Hi William

The mics I've used with the FX1 and the Z1 are the Audio Technica 897 and the Rode NTG2. Both take AA batteries and work pretty well. The Rode is hotter than the AT but they are very similar mics.

It is easy to use the shotgun mic say on the camera and add a Sennheiser G2 wireless system for your second mic.. this is indeed the set up I use. The G2 has XLR inputs...

With the Beachtek you should be able to either record each mic to a separate channel or have both mics going to both channels.

I prefer the first set up as I can adjust the levels in post and then simply double each channel on the timeline so my audio is mixed to give me a stereo audio track...

hope this makes sense.

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Old February 15th, 2007, 05:03 AM   #3
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We use the same set up as Gareth with the G2 for the second mic, but the shotgun is a Sennheiser ME66/K6 which takes an AA or phantom.
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Old February 15th, 2007, 08:49 AM   #4
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Hi Guys

Just to add to my earlier post... the mics I mentioned also work off phantom, but this is not provided by the FX1 + Beachtek combo...

What I've been doing more recently is using a small Sound Devices Premix, this allows me to set the level on the Z1 inputs, and feed both mics into which ever channel I wish... The preamps and limiters are excellent in these mixers too.
It also gives me the flexibility to hand off audio to a sound guy, use say 2xG2 lav mics fed Line level into the camera and a third shotgun on camera for ambient.
I find the line level input much cleaner than the mic level inputs, as it avoids the cameras own preamps..
Using the Tone to set the input level on camera at -12 or -18 db.. I can use the peak volume on the mixer which due to the good quality limiters gives no chance of clipping. Since doing this I've found my audio levels far more consistant and needing very little tweaking in post.

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Old February 16th, 2007, 07:07 AM   #5
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AT 897.
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Old March 20th, 2007, 05:29 PM   #6
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Thank for the responses! Just so I'm clear...

By using the XLR adapter, I can isolate each mic to an independent channel or mix them both to each channel? Final question, do I even need the XLR adapter to do this or could I use some type of "Y" adapter?
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Old March 20th, 2007, 06:46 PM   #7
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FX-1 does not have independent adjustment of the channel levels. That's another benefit of the Beachtech.
Chris J. Barcellos
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Old March 21st, 2007, 02:26 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by William W. Holcomb View Post
Thank for the responses! Just so I'm clear...

By using the XLR adapter, I can isolate each mic to an independent channel or mix them both to each channel? Final question, do I even need the XLR adapter to do this or could I use some type of "Y" adapter?
A mixer is always a better solution for 2:! situations however you might be able to get away with using a simple 'Y' adapter to split a single mic to two channels. Combining 2 mic into 1 channel, on the other hand, really needs a mixer in order to do it right.
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Old March 23rd, 2007, 11:55 AM   #9
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Do you have the Beachtek DXA-FX?
If so, I'd recommend eBaying that and getting a BeachTek DXA-10 - it even costs less!
The DXA-10 does not mount to the bottom of the camera like the other models, but does offer an inexpensive pre-amp solution. In the FX1's menu you can switch the input to LINE level and feed out from the DXA 10's RCA jacks. This is much cleaner on that camera. Not to mention, you'll also get phantom power with the DXA-10.
Guy Cochran
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Old March 29th, 2007, 01:26 PM   #10
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I too own an FX-1, with the Beachtek, and am looking for some mic recommendations. I shoot a lot of lectures, and currently use a wireless lav mic on one channel, and shotgun attached to the cam on the other. Both are old, and here's what setup I would like:

Wireless Lav for channel one
Wireless Lav/Wireless handheld for channel two

Since I will be working with two wireless, I guess I need to order two different frequencies? Also, I would like the option on mic2/ channel two for the speaker to choose either the lav or handheld, as many have asked me for this. Currently, they fumble around with passing the one lav.

Hopefully someone can recommend an "all-in-one" setup so I don't have to worry about the frequency problem. Thanks.
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Old March 30th, 2007, 01:56 AM   #11
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I'm not sure if this will actually do what you need as I haven't tried it out yet. But I recently order the Azden 200 wireless setup that had two wireless lavs connected to one receiver. I know they have another setup that has one lav and one adapter transmitter for an external mic.

I'm getting my order next week so I'll try it out and let you know.
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Old March 31st, 2007, 08:39 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by William W. Holcomb View Post
On my previous projects I always had a sound tech so I never learned much about audio. Now I want to upgrade my audio equipment (and knowledge) for some solo work.

I have an FX1 with a BeachTek XLR adapter. Whats a good, all-around shotgun mic? I currently use Azden but I hear a lot of people don't like that brand. I haven't had any problems yet with it, but I don't want my first negative experience with it to be when I absolutely need it to work.

Also, are any wireless mics XLR? The system I use currently has a 3.5mm plug - same as the XLR adapter. Is it possible to record two tracks (each independent) on the same camera? I'm thinking since the sound coming from a laviler mic is mono it would be great if I could record a two sources - one left and one right.

Thanks in advance!!!
You don't need a beachtek. If you want a simple solution, get this cable.

If you want a more professional soultion, get a Sign audio ENG-44 and the right cable to feed you 1/8" stereo TRS input.

The farther up you go, the more you'll find that you use separate tools for audio and video. The Sound Devices 302 is a really good investment.

Yes wireless mic receivers do come with XLR outputs.

The cable I mentioned above is specifically built for so two XLR sources can feed separate channels of your camera.


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