People thoughts on DVcreator Location Sound Package 1: at
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Old January 29th, 2007, 03:08 PM   #1
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People thoughts on DVcreator Location Sound Package 1:

What are peoples thoughts on:

DVcreator Location Sound Package 1:

My situation is I'm about to by the JVC HD200 and I'm wanting to get some half decent audio kit to go along with it.

I'm shooting a variety of stuff from Travel Shorts for the web, to short drama films, to News style interviews and need something to get my audio working at a half decent pro level but not spending a fortune since the outlay for the camera is pretty much taking up 80% of my buget.

Peoples thoughts or suggestions are most appreciated.

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Old January 29th, 2007, 06:12 PM   #2
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Scottsdale, AZ 85260
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Seems to my eye pretty well matched to the needs of a film audio beginner.

In other words, it's a very decent "learners" kit for the price being asked. It' has the basic stuff necessary to get the job done AND to help you learn about technique.

You can probably get decent sound with it, providing you have a decent boom op.

It's not really "pro" level gear - but that's perfectly acceptable since it's being offered at no where near real "pro" audio prices.

If you take REALLY good care of it. It will probably last you couple of years. If you're still making videos at that point, you'll want to move up to the serious stuff - but if you've become tired of filmmaking, you won't look at this and wonder why you tossed a LARGE pot of cash away.

Overall, pretty decent way to get started without having to do a lot of research or digging around for deals on better quality used gear.

My 2 cents anyway.
Bill Davis is offline   Reply

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