Ambico wireless...canuhearmenow? at
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Old February 14th, 2006, 07:57 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Healdsburg, California
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Ambico wireless...canuhearmenow?

Okay, don't laugh - this is a valid question....I'm playing craftsman this week going through my old junk and seeking what I can mash together to enhance my kit - and I went through an old pile of stuff that an office department was trying to get rid of and handed on to me. I found among the stuff an old Ambico, model V-0627 wireless lavelier mic system - it is pretty old as the closet that this stuff came from hadn't been opened in a dozen years - I opened the battery compartment on the receiver and found a very corroded 9 volt battery. When I removed it, the wire cap plug turned into acid dust and came along with it.

I already go to most of my shoots with a Senn G2 wireless, 2 iRivers with Giant Squids (just purchased), A Sony MD recorder with mic (for backup), and an AT my question is - before I go to Radio Shack to get a new 9 volt cap plug and re-furbish this Ambico system, should I even bother? Or is the quality of this unit only going to give me headaches at its most functional?

Anyone with experience with stuff like this and input to share would be greatly appreciated.
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Old February 14th, 2006, 10:23 PM   #2
Major Player
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I believe that is not a very good unit.I had one that gave me nothing but trouble ,but that was many years ago.Keep the mic and dump the rest.It may give you a sore rearend.
Anything that that might let you down on a shoot probably will and then after you will kick yourself many times, thus the sore rearend.
This is only my opinion
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Old February 15th, 2006, 05:00 AM   #3
Inner Circle
Join Date: Mar 2005
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You never know when you might need a disposable mic in your kit, one that you won't especially care if it gets destroyed in the shot. Since the cost of repairing it will be $5 and a bit of your time, I'd give it a whirl. WTH, it might work. If not, nothing lost.
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Last edited by Steve House; February 15th, 2006 at 05:53 AM.
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