range of Sennheiser G2 plug-in transmitter vs. belt pack transmitter? at DVinfo.net
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Old October 30th, 2005, 04:45 AM   #1
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range of Sennheiser G2 plug-in transmitter vs. belt pack transmitter?

Could anyone compare the range/reliability of the Sennheiser XLR butt-plug, plug-in transmitter (SKP-100) that comes with the ENG version of the G2 camera mounted wireless kit?

Basically, I'm wondering if and how much range/reliability in general is lost (if any) when using the plug-in transmitter vs. the standard SK-100 belt/body pack transmitter?

I ask because I have a few decent quality, hard-wired XLR lavs (which can be powered with either phantom powere or through a battery you pop into the power barrel) already that I'd like to use with the Sennheiser kit in liu of the stock ME-2.

Obviously, it'd be nicer and more convenient to just buy a Countryman B6 with the appropriate Sennheiser mini, plug-in connector; but there's other things I want to buy right now as well (though I WILL eventually by the B6).

In the mean time, since I already have decent hard-wired lavs (Tram TR50s), and the power barrel on these has a belt-clip on it; I was thinking why not just plug the XLR power barrel right into the plug-in transmitter and then use the Tram TR50's belt clip to attach it to dee back of da body just like you would with the standard body/belt pack transmitter? Sure, it'd be a little more clunky, but still not unreasonable in my opinion.

Basically, I'm just curious if this would work as a make-shift workaround for not buying a higher quality replacement for the ME-2 right now.

Thanks...btw, I'm waiting on the Sennheiser kit to be delivered to me right now, so just twiddling my thumb wondering in the mean time.
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Old October 30th, 2005, 06:03 AM   #2
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 166
Also, would the Tram TR-79+... http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/cont...=259965&is=REG

...also work with the Countryman's? My gut instinct is that it would, but just in case.

Basically the TR-79+ is a power adapter/converter for the Tram TR50 sets which are wired for the Sennheiser G2 SK100 via the mini plug connector.

The TR-79+ lets you use the TR50 that's been wired for the Sennheiser wirelss as a hard wired lav as well, however, by plugging it into this barrel. The other end of the barrel has the standard XLR out, and from there accepts phantom power and converts it for use with the TR50 which had previously been wired for use with the bodypack transmitter's power.

I read from one member, I believe Ty Ford, that you can get something called "the link" from Countryman that seems by description to be pretty much the same device functionally as the TR-79+.

Of course the difference is that you can actually find the TR-79+ for sale easily at B&H, whereas "the link" is something I believe you have to get done custom by Country by ordering direct...which I wouldn't want to do since they charge a lot more direct than you could get from a place like Northern Sound or even B&H.

Thanks again.
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