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Old June 30th, 2017, 01:16 PM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2010
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Re-learning the Tascam DR-44WL: How to Setup to Record

Picked up this recorder last year for a recital to record with a single mic on a boom stand via an XLR cable but since then I haven’t used it.

The lack of use is due to two reasons:
First, (and the main reason), I never really figured out how to use it to begin with, and,

Second, I never had an absolute need to use it. I could have, ore should have, but didn’t. Every time I thought it would be a good time to use it I had to sit down with the Manual, read through the steps, but in the end opted to be on the safe side with running the cable(s) through the JuicedLink pre and saving the tracks on the cam.There’s a certain amount of comfort in knowing what you’re doing is guaranteed, tried and proven, vs taking a risk with something new.

In a month I’ll probably have an opportunity at some family gatherings to make use of it. Not sure how, yet, but if I can get the comfort level moved up I’m sure it can be put to use. One of the gatherings will be at a wedding and I’ll have two cams. At this point, and I know this question might be asked, I cannot say “exactly” how it might be used.

There is an overwhelming amount of things to know about how to run this unit; however, for the immediate getting re-acquainted with it, this is what I would like to know:
How to Record
How to Play back
How to Save the audio file

The Tascam is currently set up as follows:
for XLR on track 3 and 4, WAV, 16bit, 48.0k
System Version V1.21 0102 [as of Jun 29, 2017, current version is V2.10]
Wi-Fi Version: 1.02 0021

Web Internet Links:
Main sites: TEAC - Global Site and TASCAM Global
> Home | TASCAM [cookies must be enabled]

Features Overview: > Downloads | TASCAM > DR-40 > [sidebar] Product: DR-44WL | TASCAM

DR-RRWL Downloads: Product: DR-44WL | TASCAM

I Have the original Tascam DR Control app on the iPhone
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Re-learning the Tascam DR-44WL: How to Setup to Record-img_4146.jpg   Re-learning the Tascam DR-44WL: How to Setup to Record-dr-44wl-top-panel.png  

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Old June 30th, 2017, 02:21 PM   #2
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Re: Re-learning the Tascam DR-44WL: How to Setup to Record

I would check some YouTube videos to get started:
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Old July 3rd, 2017, 06:17 PM   #3
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Seattle WA
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Re: Re-learning the Tascam DR-44WL: How to Setup to Record

Did some more research and used the link to check for YouTube videos, including some variations on the search term. With regard to videos, so many of them are about unboxing, reviews, and comparison with other recorders, or cover the previous versions of the 44WL; however there were about three that got into use, or how to use. Two of them were really shaky (one gal with red fingernail polish couldn’t hold it still) and the other was by a guy using a GoPro cam on his head. There was one which was about features that kinda helped with usage so that was a good starter.

Went to the Tascam 44WL *.pdf files to ensure I had everything covered and this was a bit of an ordeal as the printed version doesn’t have the file name on it and their list doesn’t have the document number on it. Anyway, that was an effort.

The Tascam had firmware v1.20 and it has now been updated to v2.10. The similarity of the two versions caused me a bit of a problem and I feel like I might becoming dyslexic! Several times I tried to install the old version but finally caught my mistake. Haste makes waste, they say. Also got the Wi-Fi version updated. The connection and operation using the iPhone as a remote is fantastic.

Did some demos using the built-in mics, played around with mic positioning and vu adjustments on tracks 1 & 2. Deleting files is a bit of a pain via “onesies” [scroll > Browse > scroll > File (enter) > Quick > File Delete (enter) Are you sure? Yes (enter) > Browse] then repeat for the next file, but somewhere I read there is an easier way to do it in a batch mode. In stereo mode there are two files for each recording so one doesn’t want to hit Record too often or it becomes a lot of work deleting. Haven’t figured how to delete files using the iPhone - doesn’t appear to be a way.

That’s a short update for now. Progress has been made.
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