Sony EMC-CS3 lav the 15bucks surprise!
SONY ECM-CS3 saved my day last week and the results exceeded my expectations. I had a sudden interview but I didn't have any lav with me , just the shotgun on camera (875r on EX1r). A friend had his CS3 for his recorder and since he had an extra one I asked how it was. He gave it me to me to try on the spot , I had a balanced cable ending with a 1.8 and a 1.8 to 3.5 adapter. So on channel 2 , phantom and voila' : the voice came down strong , volume +1 , a little hiss but nothing major, and when I went to the PC to edit I couldn't believe the pickup of that little thing. No background noise, there was a truck passing by and it didn't get to play with the cs3 while it went loud and clear on the 875r. The voice of the talent was strong, excellent presence, low cut for clothes noises, simply put it was perfect!
So I bought one right away to use on zoom H1 mainly but for a wired emergency is unbelievably good. 15 bucks at B&H or Adorama. working on the cable now, because that lav is worth the effort!