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Old December 23rd, 2014, 12:19 AM   #16
Major Player
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Re: Australia Wireless Frequencies for 2015

I think you will find that the Telcos are actually using that frequency block already, they have tried it for a while and became operational with the release of iPhone 6 (and Android variant), It will be fairly lightly used but that will increase in time as technology gets sold.
I have done some trials with some old G2 units in that old block.... and have found that if they are tuned close to a used part of the RF spectrum the usable range of the radio mic is greatly reduced, so in time it will be increasingly frustrating shooting with old systems.
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Old December 23rd, 2014, 01:05 AM   #17
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Re: Australia Wireless Frequencies for 2015

I'm curious to know what the new rules mean in reality. Come January 1st, are certain frequencies suddenly going to become flooded with transmissions? Or is it simply that we can no longer legally use these frequencies, and they may gradually start to become more crowed over the next decade? I think my Sony sets range from the 790's to low 800's (don't have them with me as I am away for the holidays) so should just squeeze in the to guard bands at the upper end of their range (even if we are not technically meant to do so).

Realistically, I can't imagine ACMA employees conducting systematic raids during wedding ceremonies, so I'm not too worried about going 'pirate' for a few months while I replace my old sets one-by-one, But I am concerned that I might turn up to my first wedding of the year and find all the channels are filled with dialogue from mid-afternoon 1980's soapy re-runs.
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Old December 23rd, 2014, 01:07 AM   #18
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Re: Australia Wireless Frequencies for 2015


The ill conceived controversy continues. These guys couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery. The latest info to date is outlined here.

Available spectrum for wireless audio transmitters | ACMA

You can subscribe to a monthly e-bulletin lower down on that page.

Still no news on the Guard Band use so we still await their decision but I wouldn't be holding my breath. Check out item 22C, high frequencies but will little or no restrictions. Maybe worth examining.

Seeing as there is supposed to be nothing in the top guard band I think I will continue in there until someone slaps me on the wrist or until I find suitable frequency agile equipment to replace my existing kit.

For a breakdown of channel allocation city by city and region by region have a look at the Jand's frequency guide. I've attached their PDF.

Chris Young
CYV Productions
Attached Files
File Type: pdf Jands_Shure_Australian_Frequency_Guide.pdf (157.0 KB, 340 views)
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Old December 23rd, 2014, 01:53 AM   #19
Inner Circle
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Re: Australia Wireless Frequencies for 2015

Hi Guys

I guess we will find out on 1st January !! I really cannot see any Telco flooding the entire bands but I will check during January and continue running in the top guard band (both my transmitters are there already)

I cannot see our tiny little 10mw signals that die after 50m causing any issues but we just might need to make sure that our receivers are not jammed with Telco signals coming in.

Yeah I don't really want to toss two sets in the bin next week and have to fork out $2K on newer gear next week. I think I might wander around next week with just a receiver and some headphones and see if I can hear anything on the 800mhz area. If it sounds clear then maybe it's worth waiting for a slap on the wrist as well if we are reprimanded and plead ignorance???

I'm never really that busy in the first two months anyway but it might be prudent to get at least one new Sony set with the correct frequencies for the busy March season.

Maybe it's time the big boys made a decent sized Bluetooth unit? Sony make one but the transmitter is bulky ... I also do Realty reports on video and for convenience I use a wireless unit so that will give me a heads up as to whether the band is being used?

Thanks again to Chris for all the information

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