Help (urgent if poss) setting up Sony URX-P2 and Sony UTX-B2 at
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Old February 18th, 2014, 04:57 AM   #1
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Help (urgent if poss) setting up Sony URX-P2 and Sony UTX-B2

Hi Guys

Trying to urgently setup Sony URX-P2 and Sony UTX-B2 in the UK. Could you read over my 'method' below and poke holes in it please?

I've previously used Sennheiser G2 wireless before but these Sony URX-P2 and Sony UTX-B2 have me somewhat baffled. I'm baffled because of the sheer number of available 'channel groups' available (the G2 only gave me a choice of 4 channels if memory serves me right. Also, there seems to be so many frequencies available despite the Auto-Scan. Again, the G2 only gave me a selection of 4 frequencies to choose from.

First of all, the URX-P2 (with the UTX-B2 turned off):

Turn power on
Hold SET and press +. I see SCAN flashing. I press +
I see 00. _ _ _ while it searches
It settles on 00.3801
I press SET and see 606.125

Now, with the URX-B2 (which is set to MIC):
Hold SET and turn power ON
I see 00.3801
I press SET and see 606.125
I press SET and see ATT as 0 (I leave it at 0)
I press SET until I see PO:L and I set it to PO:H
I turn power OFF and then back ON

After the above, if I plug earphones into the URX-P2 receiver I can hear the UTX-B2 microphone, clearly. However, I only feel 'lucky' that I found a frequency that works, as opposed to a frequency that is definitely locked and free, which the G2 gave me confidence in.

If you could let me know how I can be definitely sure I've found a correct free frequency that won't be interrupted for the Sony URX-P2 and Sony UTX-B2 combo I'd appreciate it!
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Old February 18th, 2014, 10:51 AM   #2
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Re: Help (urgent if poss) setting up Sony URX-P2 and Sony UTX-B2

I'm not familiar with those Sony systems. I'll have to take a look at the manual.
FWIW, The 100 series Sennheiser G2 has 8 banks of 4 preset channels, plus one (1) user bank of 4 channels. <<<>>> The 100 series G3 has 20 banks of 12 preset channels, plus one user bank of 12 channels.
In my experience, the receiver's on-board scanner is not adequate in a populated RF environment. An external RF scanner is far more reliable. Sennheiser's web based frequency finder can also be quite helpful for finding usable frequencies.
Addendum: The G2 total 1440 frequencies, tunable in steps of 25 kHz;
the G3's total 1680 frequencies, steps of 25 kHz

Last edited by Rick Reineke; February 18th, 2014 at 03:47 PM. Reason: Addendum
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Old February 18th, 2014, 12:18 PM   #3
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Re: Help (urgent if poss) setting up Sony URX-P2 and Sony UTX-B2

Peter - what you are doing is correct but your assertion that you might be able to "be definitely sure I've found a correct free frequency that won't be interrupted for the Sony URX-P2 and Sony UTX-B2 combo" is farfetched.

Consumer wireless audio systems operating in the analog realm (and that's exactly what these are) are REQUIRED by law to accept whatever interference they encounter. If a high wattage fire hall nearly is operating at a frequency close to yours, when they broadcast you'll have issues with your signal.

As well, at ANY time someone else could turn on their wireless system tuned to the same frequency as yours and begin transmitting causing you headaches.

Sony has a high end digital system with encryption that prevents this sort of thing and so does Lectrosonics but these systems are about ten times more expensive than your wireless.

For the record, I MUCH prefer Sony's wireless system to Sennheiser's in this price range as I have noticed significantly better "lock" between the transmitter and receiver using the Sonys than the Sennheisers. Of course, your experience may vary. The advantage the Sennheiser has is a much better included microphone compared to the Sony.

I'll be replacing the mic on my Sony with a Countryman in the near future.
Shaun C. Roemich Road Dog Media - Vancouver, BC - Videographer - Webcaster Blog:
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Old February 18th, 2014, 04:51 PM   #4
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Re: Help (urgent if poss) setting up Sony URX-P2 and Sony UTX-B2

Originally Posted by Shaun Roemich View Post
For the record, I MUCH prefer Sony's wireless system to Sennheiser's in this price range as I have noticed significantly better "lock" between the transmitter and receiver using the Sonys than the Sennheisers. Of course, your experience may vary. The advantage the Sennheiser has is a much better included microphone compared to the Sony.
I also have to agree with you, when you put the same 'good' mic on the Sony and the Senni the Sony's win hands down. Sony have a couple on nice features that Senni doesnt like Hi / Lo power RF level and Mic / Line input at the flick of a switch.

Just waiting to try these..... Sony?s New Professional Wireless Microphone System a Perfect Fit for Compact Camcorders and Interchangeable Lens Cameras | Sony
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Old February 20th, 2014, 01:51 AM   #5
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Re: Help (urgent if poss) setting up Sony URX-P2 and Sony UTX-B2

Thanks for that link, Brian. I'll need to check that system out at NAB in 6 weeks. Missed the press release on it.
Shaun C. Roemich Road Dog Media - Vancouver, BC - Videographer - Webcaster Blog:
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Old February 24th, 2014, 05:12 AM   #6
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Re: Help (urgent if poss) setting up Sony URX-P2 and Sony UTX-B2

Originally Posted by Shaun Roemich View Post
Peter - what you are doing is correct.
Hi Shaun

If you could clarify the below I'd really appreciate it. Just want to ensure this works, without getting into any advanced settings.

With regard to the below on the the URX-P2 (with the UTX-B2 turned off), when "It settles on 00.3801" should I always just leave this figure as it is? Do I need to '+' or '-' while 00.3801 is displayed? (If this is a setting that the URX-P2 is recommending I'm happy to go with that--just concerned in case I'm supposed to make any adjustments).

Then, when I "press SET and see 606.125", do I need to '+' or '-' while 606.125 is displayed?

Turn power on
Hold SET and press +. I see SCAN flashing. I press +
I see 00. _ _ _ while it searches
It settles on 00.3801
I press SET and see 606.125

Warm regards

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Old February 24th, 2014, 05:27 PM   #7
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Re: Help (urgent if poss) setting up Sony URX-P2 and Sony UTX-B2

The 00 is the Group number (which in the case of 00 is NONE meaning ALL frequencies tuneable are listed) and the 3801 is the Channel Number (ie. The first frequency (xx01) of Channel Thirty Eight (38xx))

The 606.125 is the ACTUAL frequency in MHz.

As long as both the transmitter and receiver are on the same frequency (and that frequency is uninhabited) the system will work.

I've NEVER scanned in my life on any wireless. I "listen" to the receiver first without turning on the transmitter to see if anyone else is on that channel. If not, I make sure the transmitter is on the same frequency/channel.

I personally don't trust scanning as much as I trust my own ears.
Shaun C. Roemich Road Dog Media - Vancouver, BC - Videographer - Webcaster Blog:
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Old February 24th, 2014, 07:53 PM   #8
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Re: Help (urgent if poss) setting up Sony URX-P2 and Sony UTX-B2

Hi Peter,
What Shaun describes above is correct. I also have 2 Sony systems. In addition to to what Shaun said, the easiest way to see if you're RF clear or not is to check the RF meter on your receiver. (No need headphones for this.) Turn on the power to your receiver, but don't turn on the transmitter yet. Look at the RF meter furthest left on the display, there shouldn't be any activity. Watch it for about 15 seconds to make sure it's all good. If you don't see RF, turn on your transmitter and you're good to go. If you do see activity, then scan to find a clear channel. I've found that the RF meter is more sensitive than listening for RF through headphones. I've seen 1 or 2 bars of RF activity, but didn't hear anything on headphones. You'll begin to hear RF interference on headphones only if 4 or more bars of activity lights up.

It's a good practice to scan at every new location. Just last week, I had a shoot near San Francisco airport using 2 wireless systems, but the airport area is a madhouse for interfering signals! After scanning my first system and turning on the transmitter, I started to set up the second system. To my horror, there were no channels available! Every single channel was occupied. What I did then was to check the RF meter, and manually look for one that had the least activity. When I found a channel that had only one bar of activity, I set my transmitter to that channel. Luckily, my transmitter overpowered whatever RF was present, and I was able to get a clean signal on both mics without dropouts for the entire 6 hour shoot.
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Old February 24th, 2014, 08:15 PM   #9
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Re: Help (urgent if poss) setting up Sony URX-P2 and Sony UTX-B2

Originally Posted by Peter Dunphy View Post

With regard to the below on the the URX-P2 (with the UTX-B2 turned off), when "It settles on 00.3801" should I always just leave this figure as it is? Do I need to '+' or '-' while 00.3801 is displayed? (If this is a setting that the URX-P2 is recommending I'm happy to go with that--just concerned in case I'm supposed to make any adjustments).

Then, when I "press SET and see 606.125", do I need to '+' or '-' while 606.125 is displayed?

Turn power on
Hold SET and press +. I see SCAN flashing. I press +
I see 00. _ _ _ while it searches
It settles on 00.3801
I press SET and see 606.125
My method is this: If the receiver settles on 00.3801 after scanning, I press set to find out what the actual frequency is (606.125.) I then turn on the transmitter while holding the set button, and cycle through until I see what frequency it's transmitting on. If it's 606.125, then all is good. If not, press up or down until 606.125 comes up, then press set. Turn off power, and when you power up again, it's all good to go.
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