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Old December 19th, 2013, 01:16 PM   #16
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Pennsylvania
Posts: 1,795
Re: Problem with audio on vx2100

Thanks for that explanation, Rick.

So if there is some missing audio, that tool might be able to fix it.

But if some fault has inserted a number of zero-value samples in the midst of the good audio, that tool won't do the right thing.

I'd love to clarify which problem is occurring. If the OP would record a few minutes of a low-frequency sine wave (maybe around 100 Hz or so) then we could look at the resulting waveform, and determine which type of error was happening. Of course that wouldn't answer "why" but it would at least clarify "what." And it might clarify what he needs to do to salvage the files.


As a related point, long ago I tried recording on a PC that had some unidentified internal data problem. It would capture every sample of the audio, but would randomly insert varying numbers of zero-value samples within the final file.

In other words, if I recorded exactly one second of audio, the file should have been 48,000 samples long (plus header, etc.) But instead it was perhaps 48,073 or 48,122 or some other number of samples long... and all the extra samples were zero-value, just dropped randomly within the file.

Those files were not fun to clean up. :-(
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