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Old May 28th, 2013, 07:05 PM   #31
Join Date: Jan 2011
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Re: Lavalier Microphon recomendation


If you want to use a mono (single channel) mic with a stereo (2-channel) input, you will need to use an adapter cable.

Please refer to this photo: File:Photo-audiojacks.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Let's start with the third connector from the left (above 3.5 on the scale). This is a TRS or Tip-Ring-Sleeve plug. The tip is the metal part at the bottom. Above that is a thin black insulator. Next, in the middle, is a metal "ring." Above the ring is another black insulator. Finally, the uppermost metal part is the sleeve.

The H-1 expects you to plug in a 3.5mm (diameter) TRS plug, like the one shown. Sleeve is common ground for both channels, and also the shield of the cable. Tip is the left channel audio. Ring is the right channel audio. (This is standard wiring for unbalanced "consumer grade" stereo mics.)

If you get a mono mic, it will normally be just a TS (Tip-Sleeve) connector, like the one shown above 1.7 on the scale in the photo. Sleeve is still ground plus the shield of the cable. Tip is the audio.

If you plug a mono TS connector into the H-1, it should be obvious that the audio will be heard only on the left channel. The right channel of the recorder (ring) will be connected to the ground of the mic (sleeve) so there will be no signal on the right channel.

You will need an adapter cable with a TRS plug (male connector, as shown in the photo) on one end, and a TS jack (female connector, which mates with the plug - not illustrated here) on the other end.

The Tip and Ring of the plug should be wired together, and connected to the tip of the jack.
The Sleeve of the plug should be connected to the sleeve of the jack.
Use shielded cable for the interconnecting wire, to avoid hum and other electrical noise.

Plug your mono mic into this adapter, and the audio from the mic's Tip will go to the recorder's Tip and Ring, thus it will end up equally on both left and right channels.

Do not use this cable on the output of a recorder, as it's somewhat risky to connect two output circuits together. Use this cable only on inputs to recorders.

(In theory we should consider the issue of impedance. But in general, the mic's source impedance is significantly lower than the recorder's input impedance, so you won't load down the mic excessively by using an adapter like this one. Since the "plug-in power" voltage is the same on both channels, no DC current will flow between tip and ring... both will feed just the mic.)
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Old May 28th, 2013, 07:07 PM   #32
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Re: Lavalier Microphon recomendation

In a desperate situation of suddenly having one interviewer and two interviewees (and only two mics) I've mounted the lav on the shoulder / sleeve between the two interviewees and asked them to sit very close. Not ideal but it worked at a pinch.
Perhaps your interviewer could have the lav on his left shoulder and stand angled with left shoulder close to the interviewee? If you can even out the distance of mics to mouths it will help with levels. Not great if there is background noise though.
We have laws under the "Listening Devices Act" that prohibits the act of secretly recording audio without permission. Just recording without prior permission is a criminal act unless its 'in the public interest' , even if it is not Broadcasted. I went through a court case years ago where (for a local news show) we secretly recorded a person being bribed. This was deemed "in the public interest". But recording segments for a Candid Camera light hearted segment would be deemed illegal, permission had to be sought first. And its the person who is recording the audio who is prosecuted, not the producer / production company.
It is legal though if you are obvious ie vox pops, where the camera and mic are in full view, still need to have permission to broadcast though.
Make sure you are familiar with the your local laws, here in Australia they vary from state to state.
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Old December 28th, 2014, 12:34 PM   #33
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Re: Lavalier Microphon recomendation

Sorry to necro this thread from beyond the grave, but I have just read it through and just realised I could use a Y spitter lead to plug a mono shotgun and the receiver (feeding from the transmitter of a wireless lave mic) into a Zoom H1, recording one mic to one track and one to another.

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