Did I fry my mic? at DVinfo.net
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Old March 25th, 2013, 01:39 PM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Burbank CA
Posts: 2
Did I fry my mic?

Hey everyone. I recently plugged my Sennheiser G2 lav into my Tascam DR-100 with the phantom power accidentally (or foolishly) turned on. Immediately it peaked the levels and was just an ear piercing noise. I quickly removed it and realized what I did. I've heard that this can fry the mic or just cause interference. But since then both the Tascam and the Lav only get peaked noise signals even when plugged in to other devices. The Tascam is doing this with all input signals too, not just the XLR. So while I could understand why the mic might be fried (would this level peaking even be a symptom of that?) it seems strange that it would have destroyed the Tascam too. Would/could this be an unbalanced thing? Any help would be very appreciated!
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Old March 25th, 2013, 02:32 PM   #2
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Re: Did I fry my mic?

Assuming you have 48v phantom and not the 3-volt unbalanced mike power that some recorders furnish, I'll bet you fried the mike. Please don't ask how I know this.....!

I have no experience with the Tascam, will have to leave that to an expert with the gear....
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Old March 25th, 2013, 04:13 PM   #3
Inner Circle
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Re: Did I fry my mic?

The Tascam recorder should be tested with properly balanced mics, both dynamic and Phantom Powered with the record level set to "manual".
It's certainly possible damage was done to the mic.
One consolation, even if you did fry the mic, the G2/3 ME2 ain't that good anyway.
What do you mean by "peaked noise signals"?
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Old March 25th, 2013, 04:35 PM   #4
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Burbank CA
Posts: 2
Re: Did I fry my mic?

Thanks for the help. It doesn't seem like the mic is fried since both it and the Tascam are having the same symptoms. When I turn either one of them on (the Tascam or the G2 receiver) immediately the audio levels are peaking. If I listen it is a high pitched noise or squeal that is very loud (almost like the tone that accompanies bars). On the G2, this is happening on just the receiver when it's not even plugged in to anything else. On the Tascam, it is happening with nothing being input and on any input setting...Line in, XLR, or either of the two on board mics. It's almost as if something shorted when I plugged the mic in to it.
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