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Old March 28th, 2012, 09:59 PM   #16
Major Player
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Location: Salem, Oregon
Posts: 435
Re: My new Sound Devices SD 302

James, I'm a bit late to your party. Is it still going? I jumped from no mixer at all (i.e., on board videocamera sound <shudder>) to the 302 feeding into a Korg MR-1000 recorder. I record concerts, family events, voiceovers, sports events, and choirs. I have never, ever regretted spending a single cent on the 302. I am still stunned by how quiet it is. On your other thread, someone mentioned that it works pretty much perfect straight out of the box. True for you? It should last very, very long time.


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Old March 29th, 2012, 12:12 PM   #17
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Location: Merritt Island, Florida
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Re: My new Sound Devices SD 302

Steve...never too late and thank you for chiming-in. I made the same 'Leap of faith'. Two months ago, my plan was to 'avoid the additional complication of a mixer'. You see how that turned out. Heh, heh!

I really like the SD 302 and yes, it worked 'straight out of the box'. I'll caveat my last statement by saying, 'Ignorance is bliss. In my case, it's nirvana.'. Heh, heh! I only say this because, it seems I've opened 'Pandora's Box' of audio knowledge (or, lack thereof.). I'm positive I don't have enough time left on the planet to even begin understanding. : ) I talk with people who've made a living as Recordist for 30-plus years and the way they navigate through the language of audio is simply amazing. I have been lucky to find those folks (on DV INFO and other places) who are able to take a complex technical subject and 'dumb it down', so even I can understand. IMHO, that is the 'hallmark' of a truly brilliant person. One who can talk to any level of person and explain to them in terms they can understand is a talent only those who are supremely comfortable with their technical knowledge can achieve.

I've started trying to understand 'Gain-Structure' and that is no easy task. : )

Best regards,

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