HELP!: Upgrading a Digi-001 for a g5? at
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Old August 22nd, 2005, 08:06 AM   #1
Join Date: May 2004
Location: denton, texas, usa
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HELP!: Upgrading a Digi-001 for a g5?

Maybe someone here can help me with this. I've got a Digi 001 that connects to a card that came with it that goes in older computers. The card is a PCI card. Now I've got a G5 that only has PCI-X slots. This is going to sound crazy, but is there anything like a PCI to PCI-X adapter?

I can upgrade to a digi 002 for half the price of the fresh cost digi 002, but half price is still $800!

Perhaps there is a way of going out from the "computer" connection of the digi 001, using conversion to USB 2.0 and connecting it to the g5? Not too sure if the Digi 001 cable is SCSI 2 or what. Looks like it might be it's own special connection, I guess in which case I'm screwed, but if anyone knows about digi 001 connection wires or what not it would help. Manual just calls it a "connection wire" and the connection on the back of the digi 001 only says "computer". So not sure.

If anyone can help, that would be awesome. Thanks!
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Old August 22nd, 2005, 12:41 PM   #2
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dig around on digidesign's website. m-audio, for example, were offering to upgrade their pci audiophile cards to pci-x for like $50.

digidesign aren't famous for their altruism, but they probably have some sort of option.

another warning:
i'm not sure about the protools version numers, but where i work we had a bunch of mboxes running some version of protools (6. something?) anyhow, it won't run under tiger without an upgrade costing in the neighborhood of $75 or $100 each. so make sure you're not gonna run into trouble on the software front too. i can't be more specific because we quickly decided to put the mboxes in another room running older, pre-tiger macs. on the new g5's we have, it's apparently impossible to even install pre tiger os's.
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Old August 22nd, 2005, 07:01 PM   #3
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The software is fine. Runs on Mac OS X 3.0, which is what I've got, but the hardware seems much trickier.
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Old August 22nd, 2005, 07:06 PM   #4
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thanks for the reply
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Old August 23rd, 2005, 10:20 AM   #5
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Hi Laurence,

I can't help with advice about the digi 001 or it's software but the PCI-X standard is backward compatable with PCI so the same card should fit into a PCI-X slot.

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Old August 28th, 2005, 04:30 AM   #6
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Well, I don't think I can get it to fit, and the Apple Techs say no. So . . .

Anyway, went with Logic Pro 7 and M-Audio I/O.

It was $800 for digi 002, and $1000 for M-Audio plus Logic on a student discount. This way, I can do surround sound!!! Thanks all!
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