Olympus DS-30 assistance please at DVinfo.net
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Old June 6th, 2011, 08:16 AM   #1
Inner Circle
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Olympus DS-30 assistance please

Hi all, I purchased the Olympus DS-30 from Travis C. recently, and I would like a quick tip or two for using it.

I want to run it with a Rode Videomic on a stand as back up audio. Is it a matter of plug and play? Is the gain on the unit automatic? I didn't find settings for gain on it.

I plan on using it during ceremony and reception work as a back up audio source.

What are differences in the way it will operate with the Olympus plug in mic, vs using a Rode?

I hope to get time to play with it extensively before Saturday, but I'm so jammed up and behind with work I hoped to get some pointers to save me time when using it.

I'm particularly wondering how it will handle loud bands at the reception and how to avoid distortion with it.

Thanks in advance for any feedback.
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Old June 6th, 2011, 09:43 AM   #2
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Re: Olympus DS-30 assistance please

Hi Jeff

I use the DS30 and the newer Olympus VN8100pc.

I have pre-setup my DS30 and use a lav mic with it. I don't have it with me at the moment but if I remember correctly the mic sensitivity is set to dictation, auto voice activation off, and I have it set on the highest record quality (ST XQ).

Beyond that I turn it on, hit record, and hit stop at the end of the recording.

It's a real basic unit. If you don't have the manual you can download it.

For loud bands you could just use the stereo mic that comes with it. I have only used mine on dictation with lav mic plugged into it.
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Old June 6th, 2011, 09:59 AM   #3
Inner Circle
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Re: Olympus DS-30 assistance please

Thanks Tom, appreciate your post. Unit came set on dication, so that must be best!

Yes, for bands maybe the stock plug-in mic is good enough, would certainly be simpler. But if I need to find a way to rig it on a stand for ceremonies anyway, I might try with and without the Rode and just see. Put it somewhere at the receptions and test it both ways.
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