Need advice on a small console for FCP/Matrox MXO2Rack edit bay at
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Old March 8th, 2011, 08:28 PM   #1
Inner Circle
Join Date: Sep 2002
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Need advice on a small console for FCP/Matrox MXO2Rack edit bay

Hi folks. "Gearing up" for the anticipated new Final Cut Studio release by getting all my support gear in place for the new hardware purchase.

First of all, most of what I do PERSONALLY is corporate promo & training or broadcast documentary style stuff, NO cinematic releases.

The yet-to-be-purchased Mac Pro will be outfitted with a Matrox MXO2 Rack i/o. I'm looking for a console to put in the edit bay with the primary goals being:
- 4 mic pre's in front of the MXO2's inputs (feeding MXO2 from Direct Out TRS feeds on the desk)
- 8 channels of analog audio playback coming into the mixer for playback volume control of demuxed HD-SDI embedded audio signals in addition to other NORMAL monitoring from the MXO2
- AUX sends for voice over (possibly multiple performers at the same time) headphone distribution amp (including ability to do MoreMe)
- Separate Control Room Feed for Solo'ing channels and for checking sound on non-reference "monitors" for confirmation of "quality" on SMALL drivers
- consumer "line level" stereo audio (ie. tape out) for down converted SD burns to a DVD Recorder

So I NEED Direct Outs, the ability to NOT assign all my inputs to the Main L/R bus and minimum 4 decent mic pre's (again, almost exclusively for voice BUT I am a musician so I'll PROBABLY track with this setup when and if the system isn't making me money)

Use will be FCP and Soundtrack Pro and potentially Logic (which I have never seen...)

Options as I see them are:
- Mackie 1602VLZ3
- Allen & Heath ZED420
- Soundcraft ?????

For the console alone, I'd LIKE to stay under $1600USD.

The PRIMARY goal of the console again is for MONITORING flexibility of an NLE, NOT for fancy audio post or large recording sessions - I have friends with EXEMPLARY project audio studios that "owe me" favours...


PS. Surround is NOT a concern for me.
Shaun C. Roemich Road Dog Media - Vancouver, BC - Videographer - Webcaster Blog:
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