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Old June 24th, 2010, 07:00 PM   #31
Inner Circle
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Camas, WA, USA
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Allan's advise is excellent. Regarding two cameras, it's more a suggestion for shooting solo than if you have an assistant.

The thing that I still find amazing about video production is that we start with a vision, script, equipment and all that, yet I find it impossible to predict how the overall piece will feel. Music, graphics, pacing, and the emotional state of the talent can make things feel staid, frenetic, zany, sad, fluid, clunky, or whatever.

So spend a lot of time on the front end with your pilot. And don't be afraid to throw it in the garbage and start over. Once you develop your "franchise", it should really start to flow. But don't be surprised if your first cut doesn't begin to match your vision. Also, if you and your family and friends think it's really cool, don't stop there. Make sure that people who don't know you like it too.

Another thing to consider are your top strengths and your priorities. How will your project differentiate itself? What do you offer the viewer? Maybe it's great writing. Maybe you'll clown around. Maybe you'll focus on eye candy. Maybe the technical information will make this a must-have for home builders. Maybe you'll have great graphics, illustrations and transition music. Maybe you'll show great stuff from around town. Or maybe, you'll get emotional when stuff goes wrong and offer drama. (Orange County Choppers, anyone?)

By making it technically competent as well as entertaining, and by knowing your strengths and advantages, you'll be in a good position when it comes time to pitch the product.

Best of luck!
Jon Fairhurst
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Old June 24th, 2010, 07:19 PM   #32
Regular Crew
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Kyoto, Japan
Posts: 139
I have had some experience filming in workshops and sound is a nightmare. Asking mechanics to turn off their radios makes you instantly unpopular and most aren't patient enough to wait for you to setup, recompose or even to start recording. Hands get in shots all the time so at least two cameras is important.

If you do the work yourself and film it takes forever so you get tired and sloppy

I tried to use time lapse on this video to make a boring process a bit more interesting but my "production assistant " kept moving the car and camera which ruined some shots.

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