Hypercardiod condenser mic for indoor recording - Page 3 at DVinfo.net
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Old April 14th, 2010, 05:13 PM   #31
Inner Circle
Join Date: Aug 2008
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Being an idiot from the states, I'm not familiar with "Parliament", if it's anything like the US capital, we have 'mults' (news bridge) in chambers and most meeting rooms at the capital and congressional buildings, where placing a mic on a podium or panel table is forbidden. (or you and your equipment will be forcefully removed and/or shot--- lol.. In actuality, the security personnel on capital hill are much more pleasant and accommodating than one would think.)
That said: The AT4053 is a great mic. It's high-output is great when you encounter a low-talker. You will want at least a foam windscreen and shock-mount for either camera or boom mounting.
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Old April 14th, 2010, 09:14 PM   #32
Inner Circle
Join Date: May 2006
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Originally Posted by Chad Johnson View Post
...And the MX202 is for recording choirs so just forget it...
But with the super cardioid capsule it's not meant for choirs, is it?

Again, I haven't heard it, but it's an interesting - and cheap - possibility.
Jon Fairhurst
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Old April 15th, 2010, 04:02 AM   #33
Join Date: Jul 2007
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I thought I had decided on the NT3...but then thought I would zoom around the web for Oktava Mk012's, and see what was said about them.

I've found a pretty good price, but have found an issue. Numerous comments say that it needs a pop filter because it is sensitive to pops from vocals/speech. If this is the case, it is hardly the sort of mic you would have at a lectern, is it? Or with a sponge cover, would that solve it?

It seems hopeful filming this do at Parliament may be a go ahead for me. Five big name speakers against the 'climate change' fraud. The NZ government is the only one in the world to pass an emissions trade bill, which is going to cost the country dearly if left in place. Idiots. There, that shows my colours!!! (Probably off topic!! :-)) I'll have to keep my lights dimmed so as not worsen global warming!!!

If the filming does go ahead, the contributions will be posted on youtube...
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Old April 15th, 2010, 06:59 AM   #34
Join Date: Nov 2005
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I might as well stick my oar in here as someone who puts a fair effort into the audio side of the video thing I do.

The NT3 is a good value for money mic, being able to run it on a 9V battery can come in handy when you don't have phantom power or when you're using a recorder that seems to use as much battery power powering the mic as recording. At the end of the day though and as someone who also has to worry about shooting video at the same time as recording putting as much energy into getting the mic in the right place as worrying about which mic can pay dividends.
I also bought a Sabre suspension mount that I use with the NT3 and NT4 mics. It's a bit big to get in shot though. Don't forget to get a good quality mic stand as well.
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