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Old March 21st, 2010, 08:13 PM   #1
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Rode NTG2 handling noise

Hey guys,

I'm probably going to buy a Rode NTG2, but I have a question about the shock mount. I currently have the VideoMic and my biggest complain is the noise the rubberbands make, especially when attached to the boom pole. Any small movement causes a bad creak, or rubberband stretching sound. I've heard of others having this problem with the VideoMic.

Is this a problem at all with the NTG2? Like when its mounted with the shockmount and attached to the boom pole, does it make any noticeable noise when the boom is moved back and forth between the two actors?

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Old March 21st, 2010, 09:26 PM   #2
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Do you happen to have the old version rubber bands on the VideoMic? The new ones aren't so much rubber bands, as silicone...thingies: RØDE Microphones - VM Bands

Those should help with the creaking sound.

The Røde SM3, SM4, and SM5 use large silicone bands, and there is no creaking or stretching sound.
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Old March 22nd, 2010, 01:04 AM   #3
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Hi Scott .. about 3yrs ago RODE discovered that some folk jam their Videomic into a tiny cam bag and the original 0 rings jump off its shockmount. I remember there was one guy who did that together with an open 1/2 can of Cola. The VM got soaked and still worked .. for how long we don't know.

So RODE redesigned the VM silicone 0 ring into a fig 8 shape which Edward showed .. and that stopped that and any noise from happening.

If you have the original 0 rings you could try rubbing a light covering of talcum powder well into them that'll stop the noise .. or better still shoot an email off to your RODE support and they'll send you out some fig 8 rings.

The RODE shockmounts for the NTG-2 are a different animal altogether and don't suffer from any noise.

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Old March 22nd, 2010, 10:25 AM   #4
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Thanks guys. I actually do have the figure 8 bands though and they still creak. I've soaked them in cooking oil, and put extra rubberbands around the entire unit. It mutes the creaking sound significantly, but it can still be heard, especially if trying to rotate the boom pole a half turn to go back and forth between actors.

I'm probably going to pull the trigger on the NTG 2 anyways, regardless of the shockmount issue on the VM, just because of the better sound quality overall when going from VM to NTG 2. Just wanted to make sure the mount for the NTG 2 is of better quality than 8 bands on the VM. (Is the shockmount for the NTG 2 the same one used on the NTG 3?)

On the subject, how significant is the change in quality going from the VM to the NTG 2? And I'll go ahead and entertain the option of the NTG 3... is the quality difference between the NTG 2 and NTG 3 significantly greater than the quality difference between the VM and NTG 2? I've read up on all of them, and from I've gather, the 3 is a whole new ball game when compared to the 2, but I just wanted to get your opinions.


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Old March 22nd, 2010, 10:29 AM   #5
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The NTG mics don't come with shock mounts, but the SM3, SM4, and SM5 are designed for them. The difference is the mount type: shoe, stand, or clamp. The shoe mount version has a 3/8" threaded hole on it, so that's what I got for switching between boom pole and on-camera.
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Old March 22nd, 2010, 10:56 AM   #6
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Are you sure the creaking is not palm of hands moving on the pole? Grip firmly and roll wrists, let go one hand cleanly and regrip, do not simply slacken one hand and slide. Try two handgrips on pole made from foam pipe lagging if there is not soft foam ones on the pole already. Talcum powder on the foam is helpful.
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Old March 22nd, 2010, 11:01 AM   #7
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I'm a big fan of the Rycote Invision series of mounts. State of the art vibration isolation and relatively inexpensive at about $75 each.
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Old March 22nd, 2010, 12:05 PM   #8
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It's possible that the sound is coming from rolling the grip. I feel like I've heard the sound even when the mic was mounted on the camera, but I'll do a test a see.

As for the shockmounts, is the one that comes in this package any good?
Rode | NTG-2 Condenser Shotgun Microphone Kit | B&H Photo Video

Or would I be better off separately ordering one of the Rode SM mounts. So you said the SM3 works both on camera (hot shoe) and on the boom pole? And the SM4 would work either on a boom pole or mic stand?

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Old March 23rd, 2010, 02:10 PM   #9
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Hey guys... sorry to be a pain with simple questions, but I'm about ready to order this mic. I just wanted to know if the shock mount that comes in the bundle listed in the post about is any good, or if I should buy the mic non-bundle, and buy a separate SM 3 or 4. Thanks,

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Old March 23rd, 2010, 02:11 PM   #10
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Oh, and for the record, I would not be using the XLR to 1/4 inch cable that comes in the bundle. I already have some XLR cables, and will be going into the Zoom H4n.

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Old March 23rd, 2010, 03:55 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Scott Hamilton View Post
Hey guys... sorry to be a pain with simple questions, but I'm about ready to order this mic. I just wanted to know if the shock mount that comes in the bundle listed in the post about is any good, or if I should buy the mic non-bundle, and buy a separate SM 3 or 4. Thanks,

Neither one. I'd buy the NTG-2 'naked' and get the aforementioned Rycote InVision mount to hold it, either the INV7 for mounting on a boom pole or the INV Video for mounting on a camera hotshoe. The few extra bucks is well worth it as the InVision Lyre technology gives vastly superior isolation to any 'cross-bands' system.
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Old March 23rd, 2010, 04:19 PM   #12
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So, they're that good huh? It's not that much more money, so I'd be fine with spending it. Does the mic wobble too much when rotating the boom pole? The design overall doesn't look that sturdy. I believe you that it is, just looks like the mic would be moving a lot more than with the cross band design. Here it is on B&H
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Old March 23rd, 2010, 04:24 PM   #13
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I don't doubt Steve that the Invision mount is superior but if you're actually buying from B&H then these kit add-ons are essentially FREE ($1) versus the mic price itself.
I do have the one in the kit you listed and it's pretty good at isolating. I got it with the AT875 kit.
Not convenient if you must remove the mic from the mount a lot, it's very stubborn. But since it's superior to a plain rubber-band mount, leaving the mic in place shouldn't stress the bands on this Pearstone Mount from the kit too much. The Invision should be much quicker to mount or remove the mic.
By the way, the kit you linked is out of stock, also the kit that does come with a right-angle XLR cable is out of stock. They do have the mic by itself.
It never hurts to have extra cables or mounts even if you also order the Invision mount as your primary, especially if the vendor is pricing the Pearstone and cable only $1 more for the kit, but it sounds like you're ordering right away.
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Old March 23rd, 2010, 05:19 PM   #14
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Thanks Jay. Hmm... I didn't notice it was out of stock. I'd really like the NTG2 soon for a job I have coming up. I'll try calling and seeing how soon it will be in stock. If they get them in stock, there's really no reason I shouldn't order the bundle, as I could always order an SM4, or Invision after. Thanks all around guys.

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Old March 23rd, 2010, 11:46 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Scott Hamilton View Post
It's possible that the sound is coming from rolling the grip. I feel like I've heard the sound even when the mic was mounted on the camera, but I'll do a test a see.

As for the shockmounts, is the one that comes in this package any good?
Rode | NTG-2 Condenser Shotgun Microphone Kit | B&H Photo Video

Or would I be better off separately ordering one of the Rode SM mounts. So you said the SM3 works both on camera (hot shoe) and on the boom pole? And the SM4 would work either on a boom pole or mic stand?

My NTG-3 package came with the mount in the BH package and it's great. No creaking...of course that's the bones on the other hand!
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