Hardware: Basic recording/monitoring setup for X64 at DVinfo.net
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Old November 9th, 2009, 07:22 AM   #1
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Hardware: Basic recording/monitoring setup for X64

Hi all!
I'm in the process of refining my 'audio' workflow and would really appreciate some advice on choosing the 'right' basic setup (audio interface/miwer) for my needs. (very few experience in audio!)
I need two things:

1-I need to monitor the audio from Premiere Pro CS4 timeline. Up until now, I used to do that using a Behringer BCA2000 hooked up to a pair of Yamaha HS80's. In this configuration, the BCA2000 was just used to control the volume of the HS80.

2-I need to be able to record from a mic into Sony Vegas and to monitor two different buses out from Vegas. One bus is Mono, single track (the 'mic recording' track) for my monitoring headphones. The second is for the talent's headphones (stereo more tracks, a couple of filters).

The thing is I'm fed up waiting for Behringer to update their drivers for X64 systems, and am now looking at buying a new audio interface.
What hardware would you go for?
There's so much choice that it's getting really confusing. For instance, I spotted a Edirol M-16DX, and it looks like a good audio interface/mixer combination, but only has 2 outs. So this means I couldn't send my two buses out from Vegas, right? What about the M-10DX (only a digital mixer), in combination with a 6/6 card, such as the M-Audio Fast Track Ultra 8 x 8 USB 2.0? How would it integrate? I'd really like to get one of the Edirol mixers, as they have a Room correction feature that's excellent!)
Any advice would be appreciated!
Mikael Couderc is offline   Reply

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