Need help setting up a location at
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Old May 5th, 2005, 08:49 AM   #1
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Need help setting up a location

A little background.

1. I am not the smartestest guy in the world.
2. There is no budget
3. I just finished Spots DVD Now Hear This
4. I am trying to set up an audio system for the cockpit of a 55' boat. Its 18' wide and 10' deep. Here is a sample of what I am up against.

My thoughts (mistake number 2 number 1 was Now Hear This) was to use Audio-Technica equipment. A lav mike on the mate and a boundry mike about half way to the stern to pick up an extraneous conversation and probably boat noise as well and the current lav mike I have, Radio Shack I think, up on the bridge to capture ambient sounds.

Any thoughts and is there a source for the mikes and wireless transmitters/receivers.


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Old May 5th, 2005, 09:00 AM   #2
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Given the kind of shot you have, a pair of lavs is what you'll need to go with, given the distance between the two people. I'd use the 899 lav due to it's size and quality, but a Tram, Countryman, or similar would work too. Put the wireless transmitter inside of a dry, unlubed condom for safety.
the Boundary mic would be a good idea, but keep in mind you've got a lot of rumble there, only some of which can be zapped in post.
As far as the bridge area, you could use a lav, but if it's ambient sound, you might consider a stereo ambience.
B&H is a great source for all things you might need, EVS is also good to deal with.
Have you considered rental of gear?
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
Author, producer, composer
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Old May 5th, 2005, 09:48 AM   #3
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I do appreciate the quick response. I checked with B&H yesterday and can't seem to find the gear. Will check with EVS.

You also might need to know I work alone, as soon as a fish appears I hit the remote to turn on the 4 Sony MiniDV 1000 decks, make sure that the angler is OK and help if necessary to clear the deck, grab the FX1 and try a get as much footage as possible of jumps, cut aways, etc. I would need a wireless transmitter that has a lot run time as turning all three on and off is impratical.

Thanks again for the reply and DVD instruction.

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Old May 5th, 2005, 10:31 AM   #4
Inner Circle
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Maybe I can help you out. I am in Port St. Lucie, so no sweat on getting together! I am a Certified Observer with IGFA, and have been to billfish tournaments all over the world, and so I have cockpit experiance too. Just got back a month or so ago from Costa Rica, where I observed in the second leg of the Los Suenos Signature Billfish Series.

I probably have all the equipment you need. I have two Sony UWP-C1 wireless UHF mics with lavs, and I have an Azden shotgun with VHF wireless sender and receiver. Plus a bunch of other equipment, cameras, sound equipment etc.. I think that Douglas will tell you the Sonys are fine.

I you want to get together, let me know. If you need some help, and the captain is not over his six-pack limit that day, I would to help you out too. Retired right now and I just love to be on the boats, and out fishing!

Chapter one, line one. The BH.
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Old May 5th, 2005, 11:00 AM   #5
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You want to take a trip to Panama? Plan on spending a week at Pinas Bay, I sure do need an excuse to get out of here! You may have heard of the boat; "Sorry Dear". Won two BBC's and the Bahamas Wahoo Championship.

We are currently using a 4 camera setup by Mike Latham. This includes 4 Sony GV-D1000 decks in the salon.

Anyway I have ordered the Sony UWP-C1. I was planning on going with the AT 899 for this unit. Considering 2 AT 100 wireless with an AT 851 and using them to capture both the cockpit and bridge. Was thinking of hooking the Sony to the FX1 and the AT 851's to seperate decks.

I can leave tomorrow, would love having you on board so I can get that world record marlin on fly.

Douglas if you want to go make your plane reservation.

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Old May 5th, 2005, 12:44 PM   #6
Inner Circle
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Man does that sound great! I checked the boats website and saw the Costa Rica stuff, but where is the boat now? Did you mean that you are leaving for Panama from Vero, or where? Are you fishing for the fly record and or just recording it?

I have an old employee friend coming in on the 12th and we are heading straight to the Keys for 4 days. Picking him up at the airport with my 20 mako in tow. So I need more details-like when you are returning, etc?

Your set-up sounds neat! Are you making any other trips soon? I have heard of your boat, but don't think I have seen it. One thing about observing is that I have been on many great boats and that is always a blast. I have been on the "Viking Prince" with Eddie Morrison in St Thomas, "Aut-top-sea" with Reid Bost in Venezuela, the "Plastika' when Bryan Higgins was at the helm in Venezuela, "Dream Catcher" with Kenny Ross in Palm Beach, and in Los Suenos on the "Pescadora" with Capt. Bob Burnside to name a few! I can send you a DVD with some of my stills from Costa Rica, tweaked with Premiere Pro of course. I haven’t been on any with cameras mounted. Only seen in mags.

Let me know what the schedule is and I’ll see if I can do something. If you would like to use any of my equipment, let me know. Either way, lets get together sometime. I have also been planning another trip to Costa Rica soon, just to stay a few weeks or more and take fishing footage. I have actually been thinking of moving to Costa Rica and basically doing what you are doing. Shoot for others fishing trips and edit and burn DVDs etc.

Check my profile for email address and drop me a note. I’ll get my phone number to you. We have to get together!

Chapter one, line one. The BH.
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Old May 5th, 2005, 01:14 PM   #7
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Douglas you in?

One last question, yea sure. Do they have a cable that goes from xlr to RCA?

Thanks guys this might be fun

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Old May 5th, 2005, 02:22 PM   #8
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Hey, I'm ALWAYS up for a little sport fishing. :-)
XLR to RCA? No problem. It's an unbalanced cable though, so keep it short.
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
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Old May 5th, 2005, 05:02 PM   #9
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Here is what I figured out so far

U100 Series Camera-mount UHF Body-pack

Subminiature Omnidirectional Condenser Lavalier Microphone

That should take care of the wireless lav.

Now for the two boundry mikes

AT851a Cardioid Condenser Boundary Microphone (battery/phantom)

Still having trouble finding a transmitter and receiver that will make this mike wireless.

Any suggestions

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Old May 5th, 2005, 05:06 PM   #10
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You can have the boundary connector configured for the AT transmitter.
Or, you can have it configured for other transmitters, or you can have Hirose connectors put on there too. (which I'd suggest, given that you're near lotsa water, or be sure to use a condom)
Virtually any mic can be made to connect to a wireless rig, condenser or not.
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
Author, producer, composer
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Old May 5th, 2005, 06:57 PM   #11
Inner Circle
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What I'm thinking is that you should consider partially or full comping Spots trip with you. God, I hope that he does not get angry for me calling him Spot. I have one of his books and it is great! Tell me he is signed up and I'll jump on it. Seriously, how much would it be worth to have him on your trip, his input is always priceless, but how about in person!?!? And, He is into sportfishing!?!

One of the great things about this forum, is that relative new comers like us can get questions answered by those who have fought hard in the trenches and emerged victorious.

Talk to you soon.

Chapter one, line one. The BH.
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Old May 5th, 2005, 07:52 PM   #12
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Mike, Spot

All you guys got to do is show up at the airport in Panama City, and maybe do dishes.
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