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Old March 17th, 2005, 10:22 AM   #1
Inner Circle
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Gear recommendations for student film class

Would people please recommend me some mics and other gear? We're putting together a summer filmmaking program for urban youth. I'm probably going to be paying for a lot of this stuff personally, and while I want the kids to have access to decent gear, I'm by no means wealthy. When it comes to mics, they should be very rugged and not require phantom power. Looking for a shotgun and a cardiod. I want to emphasize rugged again. This stuff needs to last.

Recommendations for other gear, inexpensive boom poles, shock mounts, and so on are appreciated.
Marco Leavitt is offline   Reply With Quote
Old March 17th, 2005, 05:38 PM   #2
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Rugged is a relative concept, and shotguns are generally the least rugged of typically available mics. But the AT835b has a long-standing reputation as lasting for years of use at a low original cost. The AT897 costs a little more and is much quieter, cleaner and shorter. It's also built to good AT standards so it should last as well.
Rode mics are generally considered rugged. The NT3 would be a good candidate for a battery-powered hypercardioid. Their two new shotguns might be a choice too since they will sell for $230.
For cardioids, the SM58 is very rugged. But the AKG D880 sounds better especially when used at a distance and is still available in the older non-modular style 2 for $90. It is a hyper actually, but it's not super-tight like an EV N/D767a. The Sennheiser e835 and EV N/D367s are also good cardioids.
The ATM31a is a battery-powered cardioid that has greater sensitivity than a dynamic.
The AT804 is a good dynamic omni that costs less than the traditional EV and Senn interview mics. They are all very rugged.
The only other sensitive, non-phantom cardioid is the K6/ME64 and I'd say that's too expensive.
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Old March 17th, 2005, 08:28 PM   #3
Inner Circle
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Albany, NY 12210
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What a great post. Thank you. That's very helpful.
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Old March 17th, 2005, 10:57 PM   #4
Major Player
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Lav mics, even cheap ones from radio shack, are sometimes just the best choice. You can't kill a good lav mic. Wired or wireless depends on your plans and budget. But I never go anywhere without a $10 lav in my camera bag. It would be worth it just for the educational value that the right cheap equipment is better than the wrong expensive equipment.

A 5-in-1 refelector can be pretty useful too, along with a couple of $2 windshield sun-shields. BUt this is an audio forum, so I will stop there.
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Old March 18th, 2005, 07:49 AM   #5
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Burlington
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hehe... I've seen plenty of lavs killed in my time, but I should have mentioned them too.
The AT803b would be the choice here. The Pro70 would also be a choice but it's not as good.
Jay Massengill is offline   Reply

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