I need recommendations for a wireless MIC - Page 2 at DVinfo.net
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Old March 4th, 2005, 12:19 PM   #16
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I use the Audio Technica Pro88W, payed $160 for each unit at EVS, and they work fine. I have to boost the input db to -60 on the DVX to get a good level, and I cant run them hot enough to get a good full sound, so I bring em up in post a bit, sweeten with some EQ and all is good....for the price! I've used em so far for recording speaking events, and will be using them for weddings very soon.
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Old March 4th, 2005, 01:15 PM   #17
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thanks for the info!!

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Old March 4th, 2005, 07:33 PM   #18
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There are some good posts here, but one avenue appears to have been missed. How does $200 for a combined lav/hand held system with a three warrenty sound?

So, a very important question. Are you in a studio most of the time, and have access to AC power?

Another important question. Do you take care of your equipment, and treat it with loving kindness?

If your answer is YES, then I have workable solution for you. However, it demands some homework. This is at least a 60 day process. If time is the issue, don't go here. If budget is the issue, tough it out. It WILL give a good quality system at low cost.

Go to www.nadywireless.com, and check out their closeout section. Specifically, look to the URR-10 UHF wireless microphone systems. These are re-manufacured units and (internally at least) meet original specs.

Chances are you will only be able to get a wireless lav system. No real big. The lav unit will be useful. Trust me. While your are there, do whatever it is they have as a link to place an order. You won't really place an order. They don't know how to do that. You just need a printable quote and a phone number.

Next, before you order, visit www.qualitone.com, and get their phone number. Don't waste time wandering through their website. You will get nowhere fast.

Next, visit www.audiotechnica.com. Navigate to their support page, and look for their TV Frequency chart (it is the most user friendly one I've found on the net). Once found, key in you zip code to get a report on the VHF/UHF frequencies that dominate in your local area. AT has really good stuff, so don't feel bad if you stay there a long time. Just keep in mind "$200 with a 3 year warrenty".

Having (hopefully) found the least popular UHF frequency in your area, call nadywireless and place an order for the URR-10. For this product line the available frequences are: 1) 800.200MHz, 2) 802.300MHz, 3) 803.300 MHz, 4) 80804.880MHz, U5) 794.900MHz, U6) 797.500MHz, U7) 796.300MHz, U8)798.800MHz, U9)804.900MHz. Your telephone sale rep is used to dealing with school purchasing agents, so any any basic level of "techspeak" will sound Martian to them. Have patience. Secure the order, but be sure to also get sales reps name and phone number. NADY makes good products, but consistency in the employee ranks is, well, a kalidoscope. Reality check...someone is going to drop the ball...accept it. At NADY the sales reps have real power.

Next, wait for delivery. Verify frequency and product operation.

Call Qualitone. Order URR-10 HT Handheld transmitter, or.if you really want good qaulity, order the URR-10HT/58, with the Shure SM-58 cartrige.
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Old March 5th, 2005, 09:45 AM   #19
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Seattle, WA
Posts: 892
Hi Brent,

The Sennheiser G2 100 wireless package contains receiver, transmitter, and "butt plug" or "plug-transmitter" (as I like to call it with a straight face). The package for all three is $649 and has 1440 adjustable UHF channels, camera mountable, and sounds great.

If you already have a handheld mic is $649 breaking the bank? Do you need two systems in the meantime or can one be wired and the other wireless? Or can they share a handheld and pass the mic back and fourth? If you don't have a handheld check out the Shure 58 or Sennheiser MD 46.

Here is a sample video I put together which demonstrates the Sennheiser SKP100 plug-on transmitter as well as some other goodies http://dvcreators.net/products/sound_movieframe.htm
Guy Cochran
DVinfo Sponsor, Cool Gear - DVeStore!
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