everything in one gadget? at DVinfo.net
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Old December 15th, 2004, 07:57 PM   #1
New Boot
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Zaragoza, Spain
Posts: 17
everything in one gadget?

Hi everybody
I have been reading posts at this forum for some time and iīve learnt a lot. I must confess that I didnīt know much about preamps, mixers, mics ...before entering here.
Thatīs why my question can be....absurd
I have got a xl1 and a shotgun mic, I need a preamp with phantom power to feed that mic. (Firstly I bought a phantom power gadget without preamp but the input sound was very low at my xl1. I suspect that the preamp installed in my camera is not enough for my old shotgun sony mic...Does it make sense?)
On the other hand, I want to buy a new mic to record voice overs. I would need some gadget interfacing the mic and the computer, also with phantom power. (usb or firewire)
The question: is there any product in the (complicated!) market of sound gadgets complying with both the beforementioned needs?
Thank you for reading this message
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Old December 15th, 2004, 10:11 PM   #2
Major Player
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Well I confess to not being an expert by any means, it sounds like you need a beachtek DXA-8

Toogood Studios
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Old December 16th, 2004, 07:49 AM   #3
Inner Circle
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Re: everything in one gadget?

<<<-- Originally posted by Josema Herraiz : Hi everybody
I have been reading posts at this forum for some time and iīve learnt a lot. I must confess that I didnīt know much about preamps, mixers, mics ...before entering here.
Thatīs why my question can be....absurd
I have got a xl1 and a shotgun mic, I need a preamp with phantom power to feed that mic. (Firstly I bought a phantom power gadget without preamp but the input sound was very low at my xl1. I suspect that the preamp installed in my camera is not enough for my old shotgun sony mic...Does it make sense?)

---No, it doesn't make sense. Do you have the MA-100 add on piece for the XL1? The optional MA-100 Microphone Adapter/Shoulder Pad (with XLR connectors) allows you to use balanced-type microphones with the XL1. This unit also lets you attach a wireless microphone receiver plus it functions as a shoulder pad for advanced handling and control.

Did you have the audio input set to line instead of mic? Some cameras have separate inputs for line and mic. Were you trying to use a line input with your mic?

Did you plug directly from the MONO output of the phantom supply to the STEREO input of your camera? Either (or both) are guaranteed not to work. Make sure you're set to MIC input and then, if you're using

YOU SAID>>On the other hand, I want to buy a new mic to record voice overs. I would need some gadget interfacing the mic and the computer, also with phantom power. (usb or firewire)
The question: is there any product in the (complicated!) market of sound gadgets complying with both the beforementioned needs?
Thank you for reading this message -->>>

I SAID>>Let's not toss out that Sony mic yet. Which one is it? Some of the old pro camera mounted mics are that bad. The one on the PD150, however, is well below average.

Sound Devices makes a box called the USB Pre that has a LOT of nice features, and the techical quality is quite good. It goes into your co puter via USB.



Ty Ford

PS: My Audio Bootcamp Field Guide has the answers to a LOT of quirky DVCam audio questions. Check it out.
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Old December 16th, 2004, 11:55 AM   #4
New Boot
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Zaragoza, Spain
Posts: 17
Thank you very much Ty Ford for your comments!
My shotgun mic is the Sony C-74. The thing is that it worked properly with my XL1 via MA-100 being fed through a mixer with phantom power supply.
It worked very well also when I used it with a Sony DVCAM
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Old December 16th, 2004, 06:33 PM   #5
Inner Circle
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Then use it that way.


Ty Ford
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