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Old December 6th, 2004, 05:41 PM   #1
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Soundsoap vs. Premiere Pro

Hi, Folks...

As my most glaring weakness from a technical standpoint is audio, I have a question regarding post-production sound that I'm sure many of you will be on top of:

I am thinking about buying Soundsoap to clean up glitches in audio (humm, scratchiness, etc.). I listened to the Soundsoap demos at their site, and I was impressed. However, I edit with Premiere Pro, and I must be honest in that I don't understand the full compliment of audio tweaking it allows.

So, my question is, can Premiere Pro do everything that Soundsoap is going to do if I take the time to fully learn the audio aspects of the program? Or would I be better off to buy Soundsoap, as it offers more than Premiere Pro can?

I don't mind spending the money for Soundsoap if it will really help me out, but I can't see investing in it if all I need to do is thoroughly learn each individual feature of Premiere Pro.

Thanks a lot for any help or advice!

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Old December 6th, 2004, 06:42 PM   #2
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It depends on if you have the time. Because Premier is a "video" application I wouldn't expect it to be very strong at audio just like I wouldn't expect to edit video with SoundSoap. I own a copy of SoundSoap, and it's ok. I needed to clean up some audio in a hurry and it did a pretty good job. I haven't tried SoundSoap PRO but I know there is a demo version of the regular one for download. That's what I did. I downloaded it for Bias Peak and it did what I wanted so I drove over to Guitar Center and bought it.

I don't use Premier, so I can't actually speak to it's abilities but I am just guessing, it's not a strong audio program. It's not meant to be.
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Old December 6th, 2004, 06:42 PM   #3
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Soundsoap Pro is a cleaning application to kill hum, noise, rumble, and other unpleasantness from the audio file. Premiere's tools don't begin to approach what Soap does, so the question isn't so much "will Premiere do as good a job?" as the question should be "Do I have noise in my audio?" I'll wager you do if you shoot with the on-cam mic, in airconditioned areas, areas that have transformers or arc lighting, welders, SCR's, or other noise inducing locations. It's pretty rare that live audio doesn't have noise, and no, Premiere's tools can't manage it anywhere near like SoundSoap Pro from Bias can.
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Old December 6th, 2004, 06:54 PM   #4
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Great! Thanks a lot for the info, guys!

I guess I'll be buying Soundsoap! I knew this was the right place to turn for guidance.

Thanks again.
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Old December 8th, 2004, 03:02 AM   #5
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Hi Rusty

I don't know Soundsoap but.....
As you're editing in PPro.... take a look at Adobe Audition before you get any other software. As with all the Adobe stuff from Photoshop to Encore it all integrates to one big software....

To my mind Audition would be a more logical and proabably useful piece of kit with PPro


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Old December 8th, 2004, 03:33 PM   #6
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Thanks, Gareth.

That sounds good. I will absolutely check that out.
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Old December 8th, 2004, 03:34 PM   #7
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Hi Guys,

I just tested "Magix Audio Cleaning Lab" - And I'm very impressed!

Could easily remove "hiss, humm, wind, motor and noise" - and it's cheap! 39.99$

Lots of other functionality included as well!

Give it a try at ""

// Lazze \\
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Old December 8th, 2004, 05:59 PM   #8
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Isn't that the monthly rental price?
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Old December 9th, 2004, 03:26 AM   #9
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Hi All

I've used Magix stuff before for editing... Video Plus etc

It is quite powerful, and very cheap... but I found it's solutions to get various effects awkward compared to Prem Pro...

Also it offered loads of possibilities, audio, authoring etc in one software package, but half of it didn't work correctly.. and many of the effects were just gimmicky and not very useful.

I would suspect that while it will indeed cope with certain audio needs on a budget.... the fact is that Adobe offers a much more professional tool that integrates through their whole range of products .. this is for me a major plus. Get the cheapy software by all means.. but you'll end up getting the proper stuff at some point...

Just my opinion...


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