Small size xlr connector at
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Old August 29th, 2009, 06:52 PM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Zagreb, Croatia
Posts: 4
Small size xlr connector

I'm trying to find a small size xlr connetor that comes together with the lapel microphone.
I plan to use a lapel mic with marantz pmd-661 for let's cal it "wired double system". I plan to attach pmd-661 to the person similar as wireless transmitter and I need the xlr connector of the lapel mic to be small.

I was planning to buy AT899, but the power module/XLR connecotr is just insanely long.
I would like to avoid buying a piggytailed version and soldering and leave it as a last resort option.
I tried to solve my problem by searching for a TB3M to XLRM adapter (as AT899 has TA3F output and 661 an XLRF input) but I just cannot find such an adapter.

Now I'm thinking of buying COS-11x or D but I can't find the info on the size of its XLR adapter.

Does anyone knows where to find an TB3M to XLRM adapter (AT899)? or
what are the dimensions of the sanken COS-11 XLR connector? (COS11-x or D)
An acceptable size of XLR connector for me would be max. 3"
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Old August 31st, 2009, 10:12 AM   #2
Inner Circle
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: New York
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In the past I have hack-sawed off some of the XLR's housing and epoxied the innards and cable in place to achieve a lower profile connection.
A right-angle XLR has a low profile as well and far less destructible.
Rick Reineke is offline   Reply

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