Preamps 442 VS Neve, Api, Millenia, Manley at
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Old August 16th, 2009, 10:54 AM   #1
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Preamps 442 VS Neve, Api, Millenia, Manley

hey there,

I was going to buy a 442 as I was doing lots of sound field/location jobs, but from January I am going to start working as a sound designer so I dont think I am going to use it as much, even though I still want to buy as I think is a very useful piece of equipment.
Anyway how would you compare the preamps on the 442 and the likes of Neve, Api, Millennia, Manley, Universal Audio, etc...? Anyway how have use any of them and the 442 and have any comments? Cause I was thinking on buying the 442 and use this preamps to record stuff at the ADR, foley, musical instruments, etc...

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Old August 16th, 2009, 10:56 AM   #2
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Also forgot to ask, would you consider the 744 then as it has built in AD/DA converters? how would you compare these converters with professional ones as Lynx, Apogee, etc...?, cause I guess the preamps are the same on the 442 and the 744, arent they?
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Old August 16th, 2009, 11:19 AM   #3
Inner Circle
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Can't comment on a comparison with the studio hardware you mentioned but it should be noted that the 744t, while it is a 4 channel recorder, only has two mic-level inputs and preamps. Channels 3 & 4 are line-level inputs on balanced TA3 connectors only. A very common kit is to use both with the 442 feeding the 744t through line level. In fact, because the 442 provides direct live-level outputs for each channel it's a common practice to send an iso track of each input channel from the 442's 4 direct outs to the 4 line inputs on the 744, while simultaneously sending a stereo mix from the 442's mains to the camera as a sync reference and for dailys.

The 744 preamps are a newer design and have slightly better specs than those in the 442. Still, I've never heard anyone complain about the quality of the 442's preamps. We're in the range of quality where the numbers might be different but the practical difference is insignifigant.
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Old August 16th, 2009, 12:28 PM   #4
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All are very good. I would think the studio pre amps are more optimized for music production, where some harmonic distortion is a desired quality. The 744 is a battery powered portable, should you need to go out and grab some S/FX or atmos. (which is very likely in sound design)
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