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Old May 27th, 2004, 12:03 AM   #1
Inner Circle
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vx2000 microphone & mount advice

I do education documentaries in noisy classroom situations. I've been unsatisfied with the audio especially when I need to record a teacher speaking, a student answering a question, or interviewing someone. The problem is the background noise drowns out the subject. I thought about going wireless (lapel or hand held) but, it's not the best solution because I don't want to have to wire up a 3rd grader for a spontaneous feedback and I'd rather not see a hand held microphone in the picture. So I thought adding an external shotgun direction microphone would do the trick.

1. Using a shotgun mic a good approach for what I described?

2. I already have a direction mic but I don't have a mount for it. I've read people recommend Lightwave Mount but I'm not sure which one to get. Does anyone know if the Sony PD-150 mount will fit the Sony vx2000? Is it worth paying $145 for just a mount for that money I could buy microphone with a mount? Is there a less expensive mount that will get the job done?

3. Finally I'm curious about hand held mics, I got an AT822 and if it's hand held it picks up ever little hand movement. Is this because of the type of mic? Because I have to be very mobile it’s impossible for me to carry a mic stand. I've thought about purchasing a lavaliere just for interviews, but I'm so clueless when it comes to audio I don't know what I should do.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Old May 27th, 2004, 10:02 AM   #2
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First of all, a shotgun on the camera won't really help much if at all. You just HAVE to get the microphone of whatever style, close to be effective. A shotgun at a distance in a noisy environment is just a way to collect directional noise.

A hand-held wireless would work for both the teacher and child if you can get the teacher to either walk to the child or vice-versa and have the teacher handle the microphone for both.

There are many 'interview' microphones available that have an extra-long body and a small head. They are specifically designed to prevent handling noise. To them you add a plug-on transmitter. I'd select a dynamic (self-powered) microphone for use in a noisy environment.

If you go wireless, you also solve the issue that the VX-2000 does not have XLR audio inputs as most wireless systems are happpy to deliver audio via a 1/8" mini-jack.
Mike Rehmus
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Old May 27th, 2004, 10:28 AM   #3
Inner Circle
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Thanks for the advice. So what is the advantage of using a shotgun mic? I thought narrow dirctional mic would cut down on the surrounding noise.

I walk around the room to each student's desk, so I'm with in a couple of feet but the mic still picks up alot of the background noise of the classroom. But I guess what your saying that in a loud environment the mic needs to a few inches from their mouth.
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Old May 27th, 2004, 11:33 AM   #4
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You could try and see what you get. A shotgun will reject off axis sound more so than another style of mic. You may want to look at the Sanken CS1, fotr the money it gives the best off axis rejection .

Best would be if you had a short boom and held it above the subject.

I have a test clip of the CS1 showing the side and rear rejection qualities. I could email it. email me at bbeasleighatrogersdotcom with an address, there are 2 files of the CS1 each about 1.5 meg
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Old May 27th, 2004, 11:54 AM   #5
Inner Circle
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"A shotgun will reject off axis sound more so than another style of mic. You may want to look at the Sanken CS1." "I have a test clip of the CS1 showing the side and rear rejection qualities."

Sanken must be nice but, it's out of my price range @ $800, thanks for the offer. I already have a directional mic, I need to get an inexpensive mount or rig a velcro setup so I can test if it's any improvement. I have a $500 budget but don't want to waste it on something that doesn't help.

"Best would be if you had a short boom and held it above the subject."

Unfortunately I'm a one man show, but now I understand the purpose of a boom.

One of the most frustrating things with vx2000 is that the headphone amp is so noisy its hard to tell if your getting good sound until after your done and replay it at home.
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Old May 27th, 2004, 02:32 PM   #6
New Boot
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I ordered a Beyerdynamic EA86 camera shoe mounted shockmount from B&H $30, that I'll be trying out with my Audio Technica AT822, and ATR-25 stereo condenser mics. I'm hoping this shockmount will isolate the mic from the camcorder enough to reduce motor, and handling noise. I won't know till next week if this is going to work well, but it may be an option you may want to try.
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Old May 27th, 2004, 05:40 PM   #7
Inner Circle
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Robert love to hear how it turns out.
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Old June 5th, 2004, 02:45 PM   #8
New Boot
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In case you are interested in how this worked out see the thread "Audio Technica ATR-25, any good as a low cost consumer stereo mic?" in this forum.
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