SD302 to wireless & Marantz PMD661? at
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Old July 11th, 2009, 01:45 PM   #1
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SD302 to wireless & Marantz PMD661?

Hey all

just wanted to run a possible kit configuration past people. We are looking at upgrading our documentary audio kit. We have being running wired directly into the camera up until now but want to go wireless if possible.

At the moment we are looking at a Sound Devices 302 mixer with XLR outs going to some Lectrosonic UM400A transmitters (to be linked to a Lectrosonic SR dual-channel reciever on our EX3) and then using the tape out of the 302 and this cable

Sound Devices 442 Tape Out, Y cable - Mixer Cables - Cables, Connectors & Adapters - Trew Audio

to go into a Marantz PMD661 to record backup audio, in case of any drop outs? Would this work?? Can anyone see any problems with this??

Our audio supplier is suggesting we purchase the SD 702T as a recorder but we just can't justify the cost at this point especially as we are hoping to use the wireless audio as our primary tracks and only use the recorder audio as back up if needed (no we really don't want to be spending hours playing in sync games with all our doco footage if we can avoid it).
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Old July 11th, 2009, 02:54 PM   #2
Inner Circle
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The 302's tape-out is @ -15dB which may not be enough to drive the 661's XLR line-in to +4. I would check this out. If this is the case, one option would be making a TA3 to XLRs' padded down to mic level and use mic level on the Marantz.
Another option is a TA3 to mini TRS, using the unbalanced mini line-in on the 661 which is -10db... not as robust as the XLRs but it would work, and cheaper. An unbalanced cable that short should not be a problem.
Option-3: Use the tape-out to drive the Lectros and the XLRs to the Marantz.

I have a 302 and a 660, but the 660 was a bit too large for my bag. (the 661 is a little smaller) So I bought a nice small lightweight 620 and feed that from the tape-out. TA3 to mini TRS.
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Old July 12th, 2009, 06:02 AM   #3
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thank you

Rick - thank you for the advice that's just the kinds of heads up I was looking for. This gives us several possible options - really greatly appreciated!

How do you find the configuration you have gone with - the TA3 to mini TRS? Are you using the marantz in a back up capacity also?
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Old July 12th, 2009, 11:48 AM   #4
Inner Circle
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Yes Adrian, I use the Marantz 620 for back-up and/or transcriptions. I made the cable myself using a right-angle miniplug... When the Marantz is tucked in to one of my Petrol bag's clip-on side pockets, it securely holds the connector in place. Sounds as good or better than the camera audio via wireless hop.
I used an H2 for a while til that broke and that sounded fine too.
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