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Old July 10th, 2009, 01:05 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Ron Wilk View Post
Hi Jerry:
When it comes to the Ex3 and audio, I am quite the neophyte, however, I will try to answer your questions within the confines of my limited knowledge.
1. Your are correct when you state that the trim cannot be adjusted while in "line" mode but by switching to "mic" mode one can make changes to the trim and then switch back to line. With the factory default setting of 41, I found it necessary to increase the gain to 10, the maximum, in order to record a signal hot enough to produce good quality audio when connected to my SD 442 (line out to line in). By changing the trim to 47, however, I was able to record the same signal level but with the gain just a hair above "5," thereby allowing for further leeway in gain if necessary. I am not certain if the trim adjustments are supposed to be effective while in line mode but it seems to work nevertheless.

Follow-up on the EX3 trim settings and line-in. My initial impression was mistaken; subsequent evaluation has revealed that changes in trim settings do not seem to have any effect on the camera's input gain when the inputs are set to Line.
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Old July 13th, 2009, 02:18 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Jerry Merrell View Post
I have a few basic questions about these recommendations.

The EX3 has mic inputs labeled: "mic", "mic+48V" and "line". When receiving a line-level signal from my SD 302, I have been setting the EX3 to "line" (per Ty Ford's "Audio Bootcamp Field Guide", page 40). The EX3 trim can not be adjusted when set to "line". To avoid distortion, I try to have peaks ranging from -12db to - 6db on the mixer and also set the mixer's limiter just in case .

I understand that digital recorders don't like audio levels > 0db. Are you recommending trimming the EX3 to -20 db primarily to avoid distortion or is there some other reason for this setting? Also is there some kind of trade-off in signal quality when you set the camera's audio trim below 0 db?


He's talking about where to set the tone level from the 302 on the camera. The 302 sends 0 dB tone. You set the camera level inputs so they JUST make the camera meters hit -20.

Then as you use the 302 you can use up to +20 on it's meters. I usually put the mixer's limiter at +14 or + 16 and try to keep levels peaking right about there. Make sure you have the meter display on the 302 set for reading peak.


Ty Ford
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