Originally Posted by Urban Skargren
I have recorded interviews with a Fostex FR-LE 2 and am editing them together with Canon 7D footage. I am loosing sync already after about three minutes on each clip. The sound gets "slower" than the image (I have to move the end part of it a a couple frames to the left to sync it up)
The Fostex is set to 48/16.
Any clues why? The editing sequence is set to 48/16 as well. Only the sound recorded on the on-board camera stays perfectly in sync.
Of course the on-camera sound remains in sync., it's using the same clock as the pictures.
The Fostex uses a different clock which is very very slightly different and it's drifting slightly.
That's not a problem with semi-pro equipment like this.
If you want good sync. spend a few thousand and get a better camera and a Nagra , AETA or Sound Devices recorder with timecode.