Rycote S or Cinela Osix? - Page 2 at DVinfo.net
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Old December 8th, 2008, 02:18 AM   #16
Inner Circle
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Originally Posted by John Willett View Post
Yes, but the suspension is not as good as Rycote's patented "Lyre" suspension in the S-series.
Hello John, we meet again :) That seems to be, but for the average consumer and prosumer the Blimp works fine with its quite adequate suspension and it has more advantages over the Rycote S.

Eg: I have a Rycote kit 3 with the same type of suspension and it also works fine without problems, but I'd have to buy a complete kit 4 for my RODE NTG-3 and having to do that is the pits. In post 12 you're advising Spencer to buy another Rycote pod for a longer mic and he hasn't even bought his first Rycote yet!

The Blimp by itself, on its own, accommodates 46+ mics of various sizes.

Sponsor Guy Cochran describes the Blimp as 'freakin awesome' for its price and it is, without question.

If I was out earning a living everyday in the wind, I might consider the Lyre suspension but 90% of the enquiries for wind protection here and other forums are from con/prosumers.

For these people the Rycote (compared to the Blimp) is too expensive for the features you get.

You see this with other products here too, mixers for example. The pros advise the Sound Devices SD302 and it is great. But IMO there wouldn't be 1 in 10 enquiries here buy that mixer, it's too expensive too. Again, as Guy Cochran advises for most enquiries there are more suitable alternatives, and I agree.

Chris has probably got the ratio of con/prosumers to pros here and I'll bet the con/prosumers are well up in the majority, look at the basic questions asked every day.

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Old December 8th, 2008, 04:19 AM   #17
Major Player
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Originally Posted by Allan Black View Post
For these people the Rycote (compared to the Blimp) is too expensive for the features you get.
Actually, in the UK the Rycote S-series and the Rřde Blimp are about the same price - there is not a lot in it.

The OP only needs the 330 size for all the mics he has and the S-series will take any mic. as standard from 19mm to 25mm diameter. An extra pod is only needed if a longer mic. is bought later - and if that is likely he can always get the longer version now.

The "Lyre" suspension is probably the best on the market at any price (which is why I am changing all my studio shockmounts over to the InVision series).

Comparing the Blimp to a full Rycote basket windshield kit you will see a saving, but the full windshield now comes with the "Lyre" shockmounts as well (and now includes the ConnBox as standard). If you have an earlier version you can retrofit the "Lyres" by an inexpensive upgrade kit.

As the S-series is similar in price to the Blimp and as it has a much better suspension, personally, I would go for the S-series over the Blimp.
John Willett - Sound-Link ProAudio and Circle Sound Services
President: Fédération Internationale des Chasseurs de Sons
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