1/8" stereo to 2 x 1/8" mono jack adapter? at DVinfo.net
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Old June 19th, 2008, 07:58 PM   #1
New Boot
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Location: Juneau, AK
Posts: 21
1/8" stereo to 2 x 1/8" mono jack adapter?

I would like to "break out" the 1/8" stereo mic input on my camcorder to two mono inputs.

This would be useful, for example, for using two AT Pro 88w receivers (which have 1/8" mic output plugs) simultaneously. (This would be an experiment, since AT does not recommend using two Pro-88w's together, but some folks have reported success doing this.)

I have found the Hosa YMM-261 Y-cable adapter, which has an 1/8" stereo plug on one end, and two mono 1/8" jacks on the other end:


What I would really prefer is to have the stereo plug end be a right angle plug, rather than straight. A right angle plug would be better for plugging into the side of a camcorder. I have searched the web, but, so far, am unable to find any such product. I contacted places such as B&H and others to inquire about such a product, but to no avail.

Might anyone suggest a source?

Thank you.


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Old June 19th, 2008, 08:53 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by David Grove View Post
I would like to "break out" the 1/8" stereo mic input on my camcorder to two mono inputs.

What I would really prefer is to have the stereo plug end be a right angle plug, rather than straight. A right angle plug would be better for plugging into the side of a camcorder. I have searched the web, but, so far, am unable to find any such product. I contacted places such as B&H and others to inquire about such a product, but to no avail.

Might anyone suggest a source?

Thank you.



Just adapt that cable with a GMP 272 right angle adaptor and the judicious application of either some electrical tape or some shrink wrap?

Who's gonna know and if your next camcorder has a different placement for the input - you can break your right angle to dual mono rig down into it's potentially more useful parts.

BTW, those are common Hosa accessories and as much as I LOVE and admire B&H and their honesty and upright business practices - with the understandable overhead of their shipping process - really small, really cheap stuff like this might be found at a better price and shipping terms coming from a dedicated on-line parts house instead of a full service equipment dealer like them. But of course I don't mean to speak for them - and for all I know they might be quite happy to take $10 orders for shipment all day long.

Good luck.
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Old June 19th, 2008, 09:13 PM   #3
New Boot
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Location: Juneau, AK
Posts: 21
Thank you, Bill.

The thought of using a right angle adapter did ocurr to me, and I will if I can't find a "single piece" product.

I agree with you about the small order thing. I have some other stuff I want to buy, and figured to just include the stereo-to-mono-breakout cable in a larger order.

By the way, I emailed several places inquiring about an 1/8" Y adapter. I didn't mention any other products I might be buying, so it may have appeared to the vendor to be an inquiry regarding an insignificant order. B & H replied within 30 minutes. Full Compass responded the next day. Another one never responded.


Edit for clarity.

Last edited by David Grove; June 19th, 2008 at 11:44 PM.
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Old June 19th, 2008, 09:17 PM   #4
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Right-angle adapter goes first, then Y-cable...
Radio Shack has one for $3.99:

This is for $1.99 only (see the red one):
Thank you.
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