XLR versus Mini Jack Audio Question at DVinfo.net
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Old November 26th, 2007, 11:47 PM   #1
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XLR versus Mini Jack Audio Question

I'm curious about audio for video with regards to using a Rode VideoMic. I currently use one on my TRV950's which has a mini phone jack versus something like a PDX10 or A1U which has an XLR block that integrates with these cameras. Do these XLR blocks provide stereo recording as compared to the mini plug which does mono to both audio channels? Is the sound quality that much better using the XLR block on the latter cameras? Do these blocks provide stereo or are they still mono?

What about using a Beachtek adapter. My cameras allow for manually adjusting audio levels so that isn't an issue - any comments???
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Old November 27th, 2007, 01:24 AM   #2
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XLR allows for longer cable runs with less interference from RF sources. Flourescent lights, dimmers, refrigerators and ceiling fans are the worst culprits on my sets (existing spaces). I use XLR so I can use my flourescent lights to light my sets...because you get severe buzzing from long runs (or even relatively short runs) of phono plugged audio:

I would have footage with an example up, but the server crashed...sorry. the room we shot in had a ceiling fan and I was using fluorescent lights...almost no way to scrub the audio clean in that footage. :( Pick XLR if you have the option.
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Old November 27th, 2007, 01:51 AM   #3
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What comes to stereo the plug system makes no difference. Your camera, like all DV-cams, has two audio tracks, in this case input is via two channel miniplug, in more pro cams via two XLR plugs. Anything can be recorded to those tracks, if the microphones used are a stereo pair, then the audio is in stereo. If they are different mics or not used in proper stereo manner, then you have just two audio tracks which have to be mixed (to mono) in post.
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