Weakness of the G2 at DVinfo.net
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Old October 19th, 2007, 08:06 PM   #1
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Weakness of the G2

Is the G2 weaker as far as the mic or the wirless portion? Or are they both weak? I'm wondering if it would be an improvement to get a better system or just upgrade the mic?
Jonathan Gentry is offline   Reply With Quote
Old October 19th, 2007, 08:20 PM   #2
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weaker than what? a better system may well be better, of course it may not be better for what you need, what is the problem you are having or think you may have? is it the sound from the mic or interference or noise from the wireless?
Stephen Eastwood
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Old October 19th, 2007, 08:58 PM   #3
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The sound does not seem to be as good as my Senn Shotgun mic. I'm wondering if the wireless system is more of an issue or the mic. Is it unreasonable to expect equivolent sound out of this type of lav system?
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Old October 19th, 2007, 09:15 PM   #4
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Well you cant really compare the sound that comes from a omni lav versus the sound from a shotgun. they are just 2 different kinds of animals. for one youre comparing the sound characteristics of a directional versus onmi, second you have the difference between a 1/2 inch capsule versus a 1/8th inch capsule , that would be like comparing a zoom lens versus a wide angle. with a shotgun you are overhead and some one is driving the boom. with the Lav you're underneath the source (passively) and placement is key with lavs, if you dont place it right it will pick up the source very differently. but for the most part you can equalize the lav to match the shotgun in post. also keeping in mind that the lav will (by design) pick up more ambiance. the G2 is a great system, but you cannot expect it to rival a well driven shotgun, without the need of dynamic and tonal control.
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Old October 19th, 2007, 11:24 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Jonathan Gentry View Post
Is the G2 weaker as far as the mic or the wirless portion? Or are they both weak? I'm wondering if it would be an improvement to get a better system or just upgrade the mic?
Hi Jonathan,

While you didn't give us enough info to answer the question, I'll answer the mic portion. And I'll assume you meant the G2's factory ME2 mic. Listen here and I think you'll agree.


Regards, Michael
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Old October 20th, 2007, 12:09 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Jonathan Gentry View Post
Is the G2 weaker as far as the mic or the wirless portion? Or are they both weak? I'm wondering if it would be an improvement to get a better system or just upgrade the mic?
What exactly do you mean by "weaker"? If you are simply referring to levels, that can be adjusted a number of ways.
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Old October 20th, 2007, 07:06 AM   #7
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In my humble opinion, the weakest part of the Sennheiser G2 wireless system is the supplied ME2 lavaliere mic.

You will hear a difference if you upgrade to a better microphone. My very knowledgeable audio dealer has stated that the supplied ME2 is somewhat noisy. He normally recommends the Sanken Cos-11, but he stated that the Tram TR-50 comes with better accessories.

We did a direct comparison between the Sanken Cos-11 and the Tram TR-50. I liked the TR-50 better myself, and then he listened to both and agreed.

Many people are very pleased with the Cos-11, it comes highly recommended.

You will notice a substantial improvement if you choose a better lavaliere. Personally, I am very pleased with my upgrade to Tram TR-50's. They match much better to my Sennheiser MKH-60 short shotgun mic that I use when possible.

If you choose to try a Tram TR-50, my audio dealer recommends that you point the face of the microphone to the supplied mounting bracket, not outward. This is counter-intuitive, but it works very well.

I like that the Tram TR-50, in some versions, can be used as a wired lavaliere, with battery power or phantom power. I recommend this version.

I use an XLR adapter cable (Sennheiser G2 mini-plug to XLR), then install the battery in the Tram TR-50, when I am using the G2.

When I am going wired, I leave out the battery, and plug the Tram TR-50 directly in the camera or mixer, using phantom power. Battery works just as well, but I feel that I do not have to worry about the battery if I am using phantom power.

As others have said, always go wired if you are able, "If you are able, use a cable".
Dan Keaton
Augusta Georgia
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Old October 20th, 2007, 11:46 AM   #8
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Thanks for the replies guys. You are on track with what I was meaning (sorry for being vague.)

Anyway I mean weak in sound quality not level. The G2 system just lacks some of the response that I get from the shotgun and I was thinking of replacing the mic. I didn't want to do that if the wirless portion of the G2 is just as weak (from a purly audio quality/response perspective) as the mic itself. I use the wireless system generally under optimun circumstances. Not trying to pick up sound through walls and long distances, with interfearance etc.

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Old October 23rd, 2007, 04:09 AM   #9
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Also you have to remember that no wireless system* can rival a solid, balanced cable. For that reason I almost always run my lavaliers with cables. Firstly there is the conversion to and from radio signals, secondly the signal is compressed and expanded at 2:1 ratio before and after transmission, thirdly you have to set levels also with the transmitter, which usually means you lose some headroom. G2 system is no exeption and is this regard you really get not much improvement with any analog wireless setup, even when paying much more.

It is not fair to compare cheap lavalier to good shotgun, and besides of course the sound is different no matter how good the mics were.

*) The exeption being the Zaxcom 24 bit digital transmitters, which in practice approach cable quality as long as there is no radio interference. And cost 8 times the G2.
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Old October 23rd, 2007, 07:59 AM   #10
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For what it's worth all our G2 kits are fitted with MKE 2-EW Gold mics.
If nothing else they're certainly very robust and sound better than the mic that comes with the G2 kit. If your Senny dealer is on the ball you should be able to get them to swap out the mic which does help with the cost of the MKE 2.
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